Calling Colton

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     "Colton? I'm sorry about trying to shoot you, but can you stop hunting me already? It's getting creepy, just come out already!" I called out into the trees, quite a few miles away from Sam's body. I no longer had the protective layer of my pants covering my legs and my clumsiness had led to multiple scrapes and one knee gushing blood. I was clearly sending out a strong beacon and my scent wouldn't be hard to find. My blood trail was the perfect welcome sign for a hungry vampire. "Oh, you're sorry? You tried to shoot me Aspen! I'm trying to help you and you shot at me!" Colton dropped from one of the nearby trees.

     "Well you got off easier than Sam did..." I mumbled quietly. Colton looked at me with a confused expression. "What do you mean? He's out of the game if that what you meant. Although that was a bit overkill, he was out when you snapped his neck." He shrugged softly and I completely froze at his words.

     "What? No, I killed him Colton! I broke his neck and when that didn't stop him I shot him three times! And.... and then I stabbed him in the heart!" I broke down, feeling the salty tears roll down my cheeks. I saw the panic splash onto Colton's face as I had my emotional meltdown. But he wasn't suspicious, he walked right up to me and held me tightly. Letting me sob hysterically all over him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed myself closer. I felt better wrapped in his warm embrace, which was ironic. He was the last competitor and instead of battling it out he was comforting me.

     "I don't think he's actually dead, his body was gone."Colton's words stopped my heart in panic. That monster was still alive? What does it take to kill a damn demon? I stabbed him in the heart! "That can't be, I killed him Colton. He has to be dead otherwise everything I've done so far will mean nothing when he finds me! I need to get out of here, he's probably going after my mom right now." I choked out, shoving myself away from Colton. I couldn't get out of this stupid competition until someone won.

    So without further thought I threw myself at Colton and kissed him roughly. My powers weren't flaring up to assist me so things were going to have to go the hard way. I had to keep him distracted long enough for me to leave a mark in him without him noticing. Shouldn't be too difficult. "Aspen, what are you doing? I thought you wanted to win?" Colton pulled away from me with lust darkened eyes.

     "If Sam is still alive then I can't win, he'll come after me if there's a chance of him getting me and the throne. Besides you're the only one I can trust in this power game." I mumbled before grabbing his face and kissing him again. I pushed him back a step and heard him hit the tree, I was taking control of the situation. I trailed kisses down his jaw and bit down softly on his neck. He gripped me closer and I smiled in success. I sucked on his warm skin and practically felt his blood vessels break beneath his skin. I pulled back and grinned up at him. I stood on my tiptoes and leaned in close to his ear. "You're out." I whispered happily.

     "Aspen! You just put yourself on a silver platter for the queen! None of us can help you now." Colton hissed, touching his neck angrily. The love bite was bruising up nicely and it would be visible for a few days. But the competition was finally over! I had won and it was time to claim my prize. Queen Succu-bitch needed to get off my throne and leave, or I'd hunt her down and kill her myself.

    I already had a mother and I didn't need a blood relative to fake being my family. She had killed her own sister, my birth mother for some stupid throne that nobody even wanted. She had probably killed other Succubi before they could activate so she could keep her place in the power game. Well, time to step down. Everybody has an expiration date and her number had just been called.

     "Sorry Colton, but I have to do this myself. Besides I'd rather be courted not claimed. Better luck next time, Fang Face." My tone was smug and happy, despite the rush of emotions I was feeling. A short bark had me turning just in time to see a small fox barreling towards me. Seriph was back in action. "Let's go kick some Succubus ass." I cooed to Seriph, stroking her ears softly.

     "The competition isn't over yet, Jude and Matthias haven't disqualified themselves yet. You have to find them before you win." Colton grumbled, I shot him a guilty smile before heading for the river. Colton had been trying to help me, in his own unhelpful way. "Bye Colton, I'll see you after this whole thing is over I guess." And with my awkward goodbye I took off towards the river.

     "Jude! Matthias! Guys? The time is nigh! Come on already!" I shouted along the way, hoping they would hear me and track me down. It was time to end this game, before my "murderers" finally got some common sense and hunted me down. The Queen gave orders to kill me and something told me they'd rather follow her orders than return empty handed. But this was the end of the competition and she had better start running because I was coming after her next. And I wasn't about to let her control my future. She was done and I was going to take her place if it meant getting some semblance of my old life back. No more could Sam or a power hungry Queen stop me from taking my life back. I was in control now.

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