Loud Mouthed Murderers

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    I woke up to the sounds of sliding rocks and loud cursing. Two distinct voices were shouting at each other and falling along the ridge. I scooted back until I was pressed completely against the back of the cave. "Ouch! Where the fuck is the girl? I swear we're not getting paid enough to gank her!" Klutz number one grumbled, they were close far too close.

     "The tracker in her bag says she should be here. But all I see are rocks! Ahh!" Klutz number two fell down hard and I bit back a laugh. I grabbed my bag and opened it quickly, after digging around I found a small metal disk with a blinking blue light. This had to be the tracker! I threw it out of the cave and it plunked in the rocks. "Hey, it moved!" Klutz number one yelled stomping closer to my cave. I held my breath and remained perfectly quiet.

     "No it didn't you idiot! Wait, what's this?" Klutz number two snapped, a second set of footsteps pounded outside my cave. I saw a hand reach down and pick up the metal disk. "Damn it! The girl is smart, she threw it out. Fuck, she could be anywhere now!" He grumbled, walking a few feet away from my cave.

    "Fuck it, let's just set up camp here and look for the chick tomorrow." Klutz number one said, I wanted to hit something as they continued to talk. They set up camp, built a fire and everything. I rolled my eyes as I heard beer cans pop open. They started laughing and joking around, telling crude stories about their sexual "conquests" and overall just being disgusting. After about an hour of trying not to throw up they finally settled down and went to sleep. I waited ten minutes before I crawled out of my little cave. Their campsite was dangerously close to me but they seemed asleep. So I quietly walked towards the camp, the only quiet path being through the camp. But as I was almost gone one of the guys stirred. He sat up and looked right at me with a drunken smile. I curse mentally and stopped walking, hoping he would think he was dreaming and go back to sleep. No such luck, he stood right up and stumbled over to me. "You're a water filled with tall glass on a hot days." He slurred, shooting me a really pathetic wink.

     "Haha thanks big guy..... I think." I shot him a flirty look and tried not to retch at the smell of alcohol he was emanating. I jumped when his hands landed on my hips and he pulled me close to him. "You're hot." He grinned sleepily and leaned closer to my face.

     "Why thank you, sir." I giggled like a dumb schoolgirl and tossed my hair over my shoulder. The guy moved his hands until he was groping my ass and I rolled my eyes mentally. Then an idea came to me, I needed a nice boost and he was trying to kill me. A small meal wouldn't hurt at this time. I placed one hand on the back of his neck and the other on his upper arm. I pulled his face to mine and kissed him. Reveling in the feel of energy rushing into me. His hands grabbed my thighs and he wrapped my legs around his waste before returning his hands to my butt and squeezing. I didn't even care I was riding on the high feeding gave me. However when he knelt down and lowered me onto his sleeping bag I knew it was time to bail. He had pulled back and appeared to be trying to figure out what he wanted to take off first. "Why are you in all black? You know what i don't even care, it's so hot." He mumbled, I ignored him and let him kiss me sloppily. I took a huge pull of his energy and he slumped unconscious, crushing me. I rolled him off of me and disappeared into the night. I slid the backpack onto my back and moved towards the river, hoping Matthias was still on my team and would help me out if anyone else came after me.

        Being a Succubus completely sucked. You were some rare commodity people wanted to own or use despite how powerful you could be. I slept on a grassy hill near the river until dawn. That was when the others would begin hunting for me. I plucked grass out of my hair and cleaned the dirt off of me in the river. I drank some river water and went on the move. I could hear some movement further up and I crawled on my belly throw the grass to see who it was. Sam. I bit my lip and crawled backward silently. But arguing voices were on the other side of the hill. I crawled slowly, praying I wasn't boxed in. My two would be murderers were on the other side. "No! Dude I swear there was a girl last night! She was so hot and she was a damn good kisser! How else would you explain last night?" Klutz number two exclaimed, causing me to cringe.

         "Obviously you drank too much and had a naughty dream! Now stop sharing said dream where you fucked a girl three feet away from me!" Klutz number one snapped, he looked grossed out too. But at least he wasn't the one his friend slobbered all over! "I'm telling you she was real! And she was right there! Maybe I'll find her out here?" He smiled longingly, and I swear Klutz number one and I rolled our eyes at the same time.

     "You can look for her after we find the chick we're supposed to dispose of." Klutz number one sighed, rubbing his face tiredly. A twig cracked behind me and I twisted around. Sam was right behind me, I jumped to my feet and ran screaming. I forced a few tears from my eyes and let my hair down and messed it up a bit more. I scratched open a cut and darted right in front of the two idiots. "Oh god, help me! He's trying to hurt me, he has a knife! Please save me!" I sobbed, throwing myself at them dramatically. Klutz number one caught me and attempted to calm me down.

     "It's okay, we got you. Now why are you out here?" He asked, eyeing my suspiciously. I sobbed harder and clutched onto him desperately. "I.... I.....My boyfriend took me out here as a date and he...He  tried to-" I broke off and dissolved into hysterical crying, Sam rounded the hill just then and froze. Klutz number one passed me to the guy from last night and he looked thrilled. Who wouldn't want to save a damsel in distress? Especially one he had a steamy "dream" about? "Come on I'll take you back to our camp and we can get you home." He said, puffing his chest out to seem manlier.

      "Oh thank you, thank you so much! Oh I don't how I could ever repay you guys!" I exclaimed, allowing him to lead me away. I heard the other guy fighting with Sam and grinned mentally. When we reached his campsite I saw him tense with excitement. He was going to try to make a move on me! Damn pig. "Well a kiss wouldn't hurt." He grinned, flexing his muscles at me.

      "Really?" I fake gasped, internally kicking myself for not dealing with Sam on my own. He nodded arrogantly and I looked down coyly. I felt him grab my face milliseconds before he pulled my face to his and tried to choke me with his tongue. " I fought back the urge to gag and instead mentally reached for my power. I might as well get a boost from this torture. Too bad I was already full and my power was ignoring me.

        "You're so fucking hot!" Klutz number two groaned, grinding against me. Luckily, his friend came up right then and I was finally able to get him off. So then I did the one thing that would mess with the whole situation, I walked up to Klutz number one, groped him and walked off. Shooting him a flirty look. I heard them arguing over dibs and laughed until I cried. Time to go hunt down an emotionally damaged werewolf!

Kill Me (Unknown Succubus Series book 1)Where stories live. Discover now