Rehearsing Chaotic Coronations

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Clarice and her sister woke us up by opening all the curtains in the room and blinding me with sunlight. Clarice's twin sister was the rude one of the two, she hated me for capturing Drake's attention. And that meant she went out of her way to do spiteful things, such as leaving tacks on the floors or in my chairs. She also put temporary hair color in my shampoo once, I had black hair for a week. Her name was Keira and she was delicately human. I groaned loudly and threw a firm pillow at Keira's face. "You can't stay in bed, baby. You have guests arriving for your coronation, it's your duty to greet them." Hunter purred, while playfully tugging at a lock of my hair.

      "If you weren't so attractive I'd kill you." I retorted with a cheeky smile, he kissed my nose lightly. Bloody shifter couldn't even take me seriously. Clarice pulled out a spectacular green dress with silver and gold embroidery, it was Victorian style with ribbons to lace up the back. Luckily I was not required to wear a corset and my white lace bra could stay. Hunter stayed sprawled out on the bed and watched me with sneaky green eyes. I flipped him off as I stripped out of my pajamas and permitted Clarice to lace the dress up. With a tight tug my breasts spilled out of the top and Hunter was laughing. "Clarice not so tight she's falling out of the top!" Hunter guffawed, I watched as a panicked Clarice spun me around and adjusted the front of my dress so that I wasn't so exposed.  There was still a large amount of cleavage showing but nothing could be done about it.

       "Finished Your Majesty, Keira and I shall take our leave now. Breakfast is in half an hour." Clarice announced before dragging her sister out of my room. I shifted uncomfortably in the large dress and huffed out a sigh. "You look beautiful, stop fidgeting." Hunter ordered, I shot the shifter a glare.

     "You are enjoying this way too much." I snapped, angrily. He held is hands out in surrender but couldn't keep the grin off of his face. "Dont forget your glass slippers, Your Highness." He purred while holding up one of the matching forest green shoes. I growled at him but took the shoe and put it on, along with the other one. Hunter had to dress in the same style of clothing, which meant a pair of trousers, a puffy shirt, a waist coat, and old timey boots. He even took the time to comb his hair back, Hunter actually cleaned up nicely. "Lets go get some food, Flea bag." I teased him and pretty soon we were wandering down the halls. We passed by Leo and his fiancee, both were polite and sweet.  Although upon entering the breakfast hall shit hit the fan. Sam and Layla were seated at my table, with Christian seated between them.

      Everyone had to stand up until I was seated, it was stupid protocol that I couldn't break. I held onto Hunter's hand tightly and quickly led us to our seats. Conversation started up again seconds after I was seated. "Breathe." Hunter whispered, squeezing my hand tightly. I gasped in a breath I hadn't known I needed. "Thanks." I whispered back.

       "You look fantastic, Queen Aspen." Sam complimented me in a pleasant tone, it sent shivers of dread through me. A paid employee set a plate in front of me and Hunter. Today was omelet and fruit salad day, with a side of yogurt and a glass of orange juice. "Why thank you, I'm trying out this new thing. It's called not being held captive by a sadistic bastard. You should try it sometime." I replied nonchalantly, my eyes scanned the table. I saw Janet choking in disbelief, Sasha grinning, Drake fighting to keep his expression neutral, and Louis outright laughing. Colton and Violet high-fived each other, Jared applauded, and even Gage quirked up a smirk. "That was fair, but you really don't know just how much I've missed you, kitten." Sam smiled but his eyes hardened in annoyance.

    "You do not have the authority to call me anything other than my respected titles. Only a lover can call me by a given name in public." I pointed out with a voice like steel.

      "I'm sure your pet knows all about that rule, Your Majesty." Sam replied with an acidic glare at Hunter. And being the cheeky man he was Hunter winked at Sam smugly. "If you continue to upset my Queen, you will be removed from the room." Hunter kept his voice strict and firm, not allowing his triumphant grin to color his words.

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