Deals and Devils

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This time I awoke myself, I didn't have Sam shaking me or Christian bouncing around me. I woke up in my own time and it was fantastic. Of course I was stupid to think it'd last and the second I sat up I was attacked. Sam pinned me down, lowering his face until it was just inches from my own. "Dont ever order me around again, kitten. I can renegade on our deal at any moment, if I want to keep you up I will." Sam grunted into my ear, one hand around my throat tightly. Of course it wasn't hard to see why he was so pissed, he was still naked and everything was obvious. He wasn't pissed he was aroused and I was the one rejecting him, he was aiming frustration at me.

"Ugh get off of me and go find Layla! I'm sure she'd love to help with you little issue." I hissed, he wasn't little but I wasn't going to admit that to him. His free hand gripped the waistband of my shorts and my hands shot up to push him off of me. "Little? Did you hit your head a little too hard last night?" He completely ignored my Layla dig and focused on fixing his wounded ego.

"Look get off of me now or I will carry out my threat from last night." I glared, placing my hand on his hip as a threat. Of course he seemed to be thinking with the wrong head because all he did was groan and press himself against me. "Hey, I don't need to know just how excited you are! Get off and go find someone to go take care of that!" I exclaimed shoving at his shoulders to get him away from me. He swatted my hands away and gripped my hips with his hands.

"I don't want someone, I want you. Now." He demanded, pulling my hips towards his roughly. I yelped and panic surged inside of me. Fight or flight kicked in and my hand went flying, the loud smack that resonated around the room was the only thing that filled the silence. Terror crashed through me and I froze.

"I... I'm-I...uh." I stumbled for words terrified of the pain I was about to feel. He was angry, I mean who wouldn't be. I had just slapped my kidnapper. The one who had already tried to rape me...twice! The one who violated me at every chance he had. The one who would probably never let me return to my mother. At least not sane, or uninjured.

"You hit me?" He looked utterly shocked, as though he hadn't expected that reaction when he forcibly pressed me against him. His grip on my hips had tightened and I gasped in pain. I nodded my head, agreeing that yes, I had hit him. "Well that's not keeping our deal, no more fighting me, remember?" He smirked, eyes flashing in triumph. He was right, I had just broken our deal.

"You were touching me, I just defended myself!" I snapped, indignantly. Terrified of what he would do now the deal was broken.

"You know what our deal was and you broke it, so pay up." Sam slid his hands under my shirt dangerously close to my ribs. I whimpered in fear, cringing away from his touch. "Or we can make a new deal?" Sam whispered into my ear, sliding his hands down my sides.

"New deal!" I cried out, shrinking back from his touch. Hoping I hadn't just dug myself a deeper grave. Anything to keep him from touching me, especially since he didn't care of I was willing or not.

"I won't take you against your will or beat you, so long as you actually obey me, stop fighting with me, and willing give yourself to me at least once." Sam murmured the words of the new deal against my skin, positive he'd already won.

"No." I challenged, pushing him away from me. I watched as anger and disbelief filled his eyes. "What did you say, love?" He asked, eyes narrowing and grip tightening. "I said no deal." I replied, raising my chin higher in indignation.

"Well then, this is going to be enjoyable for only one of us." He roared, before ripping the sheets off of me and staring down like I was his prey. I screamed out, trying to scramble away from him, if I could get under the bed he wouldn't be able to reach me, he was too big. "I plan on breaking the bed with you." He taunted, reaching out to grab me. He jerk out of the way and hit the floor painfully. While I was still stunned I rolled under the bed and stayed directly in the middle. No way was I ever coming out, I would die under here first.

Kill Me (Unknown Succubus Series book 1)Where stories live. Discover now