all mine

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You just had had your first fight with Josh. You were sitting on opposite ends of the room: he was reading some kind of spiritual book on the couch, you were in the kitchen sitting at the counter pretending to ignore him. You shot him the occasional glance and you know he did too, you could feel his eyes burning on your skin. One time you caught him looking and his eyes shot right back to his book. What a dweeb... You cleared your throat. Nothing. You did it again. Still nothing. You did it again, but louder this time. Josh turned his head. 

'What?!' He was annoyed now. Good. 

'Are we gonna talk about it or are we just gonna keep pretending to ignore each other?'

'I'm not pretending to ignore you, i'm ignoring you.' 

'But you're talking to me right now?'

'No, i'm ignoring you.'

You shook your head and turned around. 

'God, sometimes I forget my boyfriend is literally a twelve-year-old.' You started to walk out the door. 

'y/n, wait! You're right...' 

'I'm right about what?' 

'I am acting like a twelve-year-old, I'm sorry. Let's talk about it.' 

'Really?' You smiled. 

'Really. Come here.' 

You walked to the couch and Josh made room for you by scooting over. You sat down and for the next thirty minutes you talked and resolved the issue. 

Josh smiled. 'So... Are we good?' 

'We're good. More than good.'

You layed your head on Josh's shoulder, he kissed your forehead. 

'Okay, on to the next phase of fighting.' He started to kiss down your neck. 

'Josh, what..? Making up is the last phase.' 

'No, it's not.' He shot you a mischievous look and whispered in your ear. 'It's make-up sex.' 

'Oh...' You could feel yourself getting wet already. Josh proceeded to kiss every inch of your skin he had access to, which soon wasn't enough for him and he started to undress you. For the next hour he focused all his attention on you, pleasuring you multiply times. Afterwards, you layed in his arms, lovingly tracing circles on each other's skin. 

'If this is what fighting with you is like, I wanna fight with you every day for the rest of my life.' 

Josh laughed. 'I bet. I'm really good at fighting.' 

'And at making up... but so am I.' You shot him a sly smile, and started kissing your way down his chest. This was gonna be a loooong evening.

josh kiszka // one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now