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I sat down on the bleachers softly, not wanting to bring any attention to my small figure. It was gym class and my first grade class was very interested in a game of kickball. I, on the other hand, liked dancing instead and wished that kickball had never been invented.

"Amethyst! Amethyst!" A voice, that was much deeper than mine but still one of a child, screamed.

I groaned and turned to see Danny, who was running towards me with an evil grin. I frowned at his face and felt my back go unnaturally straight. I didn't like him, he made me sad and want to cry, so I chose to keep my mouth shut and not answer him, my head turned a different direction.

"I know you saw me! Coach Dimmings said for us to go down and get some bandaids for Jacob, Maximus scratched him really hard."

I sighed. Not wanting to disobey the teacher's orders, I hopped up and walked out of the gym with him, his head towering over mine. We walked out into the hallway, the sounds of the gym getting softer the farther we walked. I snarled as he kept on poking me, his annoying voice repeating my name.

"Amethyst! Amethyst! Amethyst! Amethyst! Amethyst! Amethyst! Amethyst! Amethyst! Ame-"

"What?!" I growled.

He chuckled. "Why don't you play with us?"

I shrugged. "Because I don't want to."

"Why? Is it because you're a girl and girls don't play sports?"

I scoffed. "Girls play sports! I do a sport!"

He rolled his eyes. "Is it football? Basketball? Soccer, hockey, swimming, baseball, or track?" He asked.

I shook my head. "I hate all of those things with a burning passion."

"I don't know what that means."

"Because you're stupid," I muttered.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing!" I answered quickly. "I don't do any of those sports. I'm a dancer."

He scoffed. "Dance isn't a sport. I guess gymnastics and cheerleading could be a sport, but dance?" He laughed condescendingly, "No way!"

I snarled. "It is too! Do you know the definition of a sport? If you do, than you'd know that dance fits perfectly in the definition!"

"I didn't understand half of what you said. Besides, it doesn't matter anyway. You're just a little diva who thinks she can do what she wants. You don't play with anyone and never get your clothes dirty. You're always answering all of the questions in class and never give anyone a chance. It's so annoying! Any sport that you play, isn't a sport because you're doing it!"

I gasped. "What?! I'm not a diva! I don't answer all of the questions! Besides, I thought we were talking about me playing a sport and not me being a diva."

He stomped his foot on the ground. "Shut up! I'll say what I want because you're a little baby who hides in the corner!"

I felt my lip quiver as tears started to build up in my eyes. "What did I even do? I was just told to get a simple band-aid!"

He scoffed and stormed into the principal's office, where the nurse's office was, and left me trudging behind him. When I got in, I saw Maximus sitting down in a chair with his head held down. I frowned at his slumped figure and kept walking to the nurse's office, when I heard Danny saying rude things about me from outside the door.

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