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I know I haven't said this in any other chapters, but I don't speak any other languages. I only speak English so I can't say that the translations are correct, due to the fact that I don't know. I mean, Google Translate is good enough, right? Anyway, continue.


I was trying so hard to stay awake. My eyes felt heavy, my nose was clogged, and my body felt like it was ready to decompose. I was struggling not to just pass out in the middle of my teacher's lecture. I mean, I didn't know what the problem was. I went home after the video with Max, went to bed since I was feeling really tired, and slept for the rest of the weekend. I had so much sleep that it could count as hibernating yet I was still tired as hell during school.

Makes no fucking sense but that's the truth.

Anyway, the rest of the day went on like that. Once I got to P.E., I was so close to sleeping in the locker room. Once I walked outside, I felt a wave a nausea come over me. It felt like I was going to faint, throw up, and cry all at the same time. I really wanted to cry, though. I felt like an absolute bag of shit.

Premium bags shit for sale, one time only! I thought to myself and chuckled.

"Are you okay shortie?" Max asked once he came up to me.

I blinked and nodded. "Yeah?" I felt tears pool up in my eyes for some reason. "Do I look that bad?"

He shook his head frantically. "No! You look beautiful! It's just that... well... you're shirt is kinda backwards... and inside out. Plus your hair seems to be everywhere but in a ponytail. And you were standing here for five minutes just staring into space."

I sighed. "I feel like shi-" I started to hysterically giggle before I could finish the sentence, since I was bringing up the joke I had made in my head.

Max raised an eyebrow. "You good?" I giggled in response, almost falling on the floor but Max caught me. "I'll take that as a no."

I sniffled once my nose felt runny. "I'm fine. I'm just really tired, that's all."

Max rolled his eyes and lifted me up bridal style. "No, I think you're sick," he quickly adjusted me before he placed his hand in my forehead. "You're burning up!"

I felt really weak and let my head drop back since my neck was too tired to hold it up anymore. "Okay, I'll agree as long as you pick me up the whole day."

He sighed and walked over to Coach O. "She's a little loopy from her fever, Coach. Can I take her to the nurse?"

He glanced at us and shrugged. "Sure."

I kind of blanked out from there, but I ended up crying in the nurse's office while Max was pacing around the room. The nurse was trying to calm me down while also talking to my parents, but it wasn't working. I just kept in crying- which, I had not reason to do so- and asked for my mom.

"Amethyst, your parents are on a trip, I'm sorry. They won't be home, remember? They told you this," the nurse cooed as she hung up the phone.

I hiccuped and slouched further into my seat, my tears now forgotten. "I want to go to bed," I whispered.

The nurse turned to Max and started to speak, but I was too far gone to even hear them. I was already dreaming about food.


"Do you know a family friend of hers or-" the nurse started but I interrupted.

"I'm her boyfriend," I stated proudly.

She smiled. "How cute. Do you think you can take care of her?"

I nodded happily. "Of course."

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