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Five years ago...

I quickly sprinted into one of the few classes that I had with Amethyst Stone; the prettiest girl in the eighth grade. She was always there early and since all of my friends like to crowd my locker, I had to be as fast as I could so I could get to see her. She was always in the front but made sure to shrink into her seat so she could barely be seen.

"Maximus! No running in the halls!" A random teacher yelled.

I rolled my eyes and muttered a nice fuck you under my breath. I didn't really care for following the rules, since my dad never did and he turned out fine, but also because that would make me stand out. And yes, while being a six-foot and two inches thirteen year old will do that already, I wanted to be noticed by Amethyst. And since Amethyst isn't one to just like someone based off of their appearance, I tried to make myself look cool so she would like me.

I don't think it worked.

She never looked my way in the hallways, she never talked to me in class, she never even glanced at me when I made a slam dunk in gym class! I mean come on! No one else in the school can do a slam dunk, yet here I am being so amazing and she doesn't even look! She just keeps on stretching in her really hot gym shorts and t-shirt.

I don't remember her being that curvy in fourth grade.

Puberty did her justice man, let me tell you. It wasn't just me who thought that either, a lot of my other friends thought so too. But they also had girlfriends and didn't have any classes with her so they were at a disadvantage. Amethyst wasn't really one to spark up a conversation anyway, in fact, I don't even think I saw her speak that school year. I'm sure she had, but I hadn't seen it so it must've not been often.

Once I walked into my classroom, I smiled at the sight of Amethyst setting up her stuff. She was still the same height as she was last year, four-foot eleven, and it didn't seem like she was growing anymore. Her hair was in a cute messy bun with hair that framed her face. She was also wearing a large beige sweater that slid off one of her shoulders. With that she was wearing some black leggings with Timberlands.

I didn't know any other girl in that school who could pull that off.

Her glasses just made her look even cuter to me, though I think she didn't really like them. It's not like she told me, obviously, but when she came to school with them on for the first time, she kept hiding her face behind her books or taking them off altogether. I think she looked extra cute with them on, but I wouldn't tell her that. I was too scared.

I'd been too scared for four years.


"Maxy!" Ainsley called as she scurried over to me. She was almost four and had an obsession with dressing herself.

That day she was wearing a Minnie Mouse onesie with a tutu and her purple Uggs. She was adorable, yes, but super hyper. She always seemed to know when I walked in the house and it was kind of annoying. I couldn't have three seconds of peace without her screaming my name and hurdling towards me.

I bent down and picked her up once she got to me. "Hey Ley, how are you?"

She made a pouting face as she thought before answering. "Lani took my dolly and didn't give it back so I-" she paused and thought for a moment, "I don't know what I did. What did I do?" She asked herself.

"I don't know, man. What did you do?" I asked playfully, trying my hardest not to laugh.

"Maxy!" Another high-pitched voice screamed. This time it was Noelani who came running towards me, dress in the same outfit as her older sister, except for the fact that she was wearing pink Uggs.

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