Just Look At Me

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"Arthur, I don't have a good feeling about this." Merlin warns as we ride through the forest. Merlin and I are near the shores of the Sea of Meredoc, coming from a diplomatic meeting with the Catha from the Holy Island.

"Don't be such a girl's petticoat, Merlin." I tease. "We'll be fine, Camelot's only a two week ride from here."

Out of nowhere, bandits spring out from behind trees.

"MERLIN RUN!" I shout and draw my sword. I am able to defeat most of the bandits but one evades me.

"Die Arthur Pendragon!" He chants a spell and fires an arrow. I turn towards him but Merlin shoots in between the arrow and I. It lodges firmly in his chest and he falls from his horse. I scream and attack him.

No one shoots my Merlin.

"You stupid King. Even Emrys doesn't have the power to survive my enchantment. He'll be dead in 16 days." The bandit smirks and draws his sword. He falls on it quickly and I cannot do anything. I finally hear Merlin crying out.

"I'm here, Merlin." I say. "I'm going to get you on my horse and we'll make camp soon. I need to find a cave or something."

"Arthur, I can't heal myself..." He says and passes out.

I tie Merlin's horse to mine and carry Merlin to a nearby cave. "Merlin, wake up. Please wake up." His eyes open soon after and I sigh in relief.

He's not dead. God, I love those eyes.

"You need to take out the arrow..." He murmurs.

"Relax." I order. "And look at me."

I rip the end of the arrow off and shorten the shaft so it's easier to take out.

"Arthur..." He stutters, terrified. "I don't have my magic. The spell must have done something to me. What if it's gone forever? What if my magic is gone??"

"Shh. Just look at me, Merlin. Just look at me." I try to soothe but am clearly failing as Merlin only panics more.

"I'm sorry." He stammers. "I'm sorry."

"Look at me." I command. "You are not going to die. Now breathe. And just relax Merlin."

I pull out the arrow head and Merlin screams. My hands are covered in his blood and I almost throw up. I look down at his wound.

Idiot boy! He never does as he's told. If he had listened to me and ran, he might not have been hurt. DAMN IT! I can't do anything to help him. I love him and he's dying!

"I need to stop the bleeding, where are the bandages?" I panic.

"In my saddlebag." He says shakily.

I get his neckerchief and shirt off him only to reveal hundreds of scars. "God, what happened to you?"

"I was protecting you." He slurs in pain as I wrap his wound. "Morgana tortured me to the brink of death dozens of times. I never told her anything, I promise."

"I know, Merlin." I soothe, rubbing his head. "I know."

He starts sobbing and soon his head is in my chest and my arms are wrapped around him on the ground.

"Arthur..." He sobs horribly, his whole body shaking. "I don't want to die... I'm scared.. I don't want to die..."

Something in my heart breaks when I see the pain in his eyes. My heart shatters when he starts crying.

"I know, Merlin, I know." I start to cry too, looking into his piercing blue eyes so full of despair and sadness. "You're going to be okay. Look at me. You're going to be okay. You'll be up polishing my armor and cleaning my boots with magic in no time."

"You don't know that. Goodnight, sire." He says, turns over, and falls asleep.

"Goodnight Merlin." I say. "My love..." I whisper.

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