Can't Take It

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"Goodnight, sire." I say, turn over, and try to sleep but the pain wouldn't let me.

Arthur rubs my head from behind.

You know, Merlin, you shouldn't get used to sleeping this close to the king. He is NOT in love with you so don't even try to be in love with him. You are in love with him but it can never be. He is the King and has a duty to provide for Camelot. To provide an heir. Technically since I am a warlock, I could do that- but no. No Merlin! No! You cannot he together. Besides, he's not into guys.

"Goodnight Merlin." He whispers. "My love."

My heart stops and I stiffen.

Arthur loves me. He loves me!! ARTHUR PENDRAGON LOVES ME BACK!

A fire erupts in my heart and engulfs my whole body in flames. I scream.

"Merlin, fight it! MERLIN!"Arthur panics.

I can't move. I think I'm still screaming but the Triple Goddess only knows. I see Arthur panicking but can't hear anything he's saying. I start shaking. Just before my vision goes black and I slip away, I had him tell me he loves me and that gives me the strength to say "I love you too, Arthur."

- Arthur -

Merlin tenses and then a bloodcurdling scream erupts from his lips. One of pure pain and anguish.

"Merlin, fight it! MERLIN!" I shout, unsure what to do. He starts to shake and then suddenly goes rigid. He's still screaming in pain and I'm trying to help but I can't do anything. I'm not sure if he can even hear me but I'm babbling anyway. "I love you! You can't die! You hear me, cabbage head? I love you! I LOVE YOU MERLIN! I love you! And you're not dying on me! You can't. I can't lose you. I CAN'T LOSE YOU! I love you!" He starts shaking under me and I try to hold him down.

He's slipping away, I can see the panic in his eyes fading. Just as he falls unconscious, he murmurs "I love you too, Arthur."

HE LOVES ME! HE LOVES ME! He waited until he was dying to tell me!!

"You Dollop Head. You are NOT going to die on me. You just told me you loved me and you're going to wake up and we're going to talk about this." I shout. I keep checking for a pulse. Over and over it never fails.

Until it does.

Merlin's heart stops.

He's dead.

I can't take it.

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