Chapter II, The Second Circle of Hell

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How the streets in the 3rd circle look like^

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How the streets in the 3rd circle look like^

Right now I'm headed towards Uncle Pat's black market workshop. He is a passable engineer who gets all my gear straightened out for my jobs. I need to pick up the fireproof suit I ordered a week ago for my job tonight.

It is freezing cold tonight in the Ark. Right now we are in the middle of winter in Elysium. But the winters have been different after the war, like everything else. When the Elder Races took over, they did so using humanity's weapons of mass destruction. Elysium at the time was the number 1 military world power. The nation had an incalculable amount of nuclear and biological weapons, and all they had to do was get their hands on them. They took advantage of humanity not believing in their existence, working in the shadows and gaining control of positions of power, all in preparation for the day they would take over. Their plan was simple, really- take control of one of Elysium's territories, prepare it to survive, and then bomb the shit out of the rest of the world. 

After the war, thanks to the bombings, the weather became completely uninhabitable, not just in Elysium, but all around the world. Heat so hot in summer people get cooked alive and cold so cold in winter that people drown in snow if they go out. The Ark could very well be the only habitable place in the world for all we know. It is shielded from the hazardous weather with the help of protection domes, created by circles of power spanning the entire circumference of the walls in each circle of the Ark. The protection domes lessen the effects of the weather, so during winter it still gets cold and snows, and during the summer you still get sunburnt. Well, at least in the 3rd circle that is. Not all circles are protected equally from the weather. The protection domes overlap each other, so for example circle 1, where the Caesar, the Senate, and the nobility live, would be protected by dome 3, 2, and 1. As you can imagine, the weather there is always perfect. They live in constant crisp spring weather.

Down here, however, is cold as fuck. Snowflakes are being collected on the long, black trenchcoat I'm wearing to cover my armor. Luckily it isn't getting wet from the snow, because it is so cold that they won't melt. Fortunately, the armor protects me from the worst of it. Warm mana circulating through the plated armor, giving it an almost claustrophobic feeling, like being in the middle of the Arctic, surrounded by snow and cold, and being tucked in inside a warm bed with powerful electric heating blankets. 

The black coat covers everything except my feet, but it's better than nothing. No one around here has the kind of cash to get an exo-suit, so I would draw too much attention to myself without the coat. Naturally, I am not wearing my helmet or it would be pointless to wear the coat. This means that my poor face right now is suffering a merciless attack from the elements and pink from all the blood rushing to warm it; well, as pink as it can get these days. The continuous use of my power was taking a toll on my body, making my face look sickly pale. 

My trip to Uncle Pat's workshop is delayed by some unpleasant people five city blocks away from it.

In the middle of the street are a man and his friends, ganging up on a woman who is crying and pleading for forgiveness to them. 

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