~Chapter One~

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Ok now it's time to start this book for real. It's gonna be a little different from the one shot book. Here we go!

Third P.O.V

"How should we wake him up?"

"I don't know. Do you have a water bottle?"

"No but I do have.... this!"

"Perfect! Do it!"

Keith groaned and shifted in his bed as he was suddenly hit with a strong smell. He slowly opened his eyes, only to see a dirty sock being held in front of his face. It took him a few minutes to register what it was in front of him before he shot up out of bed, letting out a squeak. He heard his two room mates start cackling with laughter.

"Good one Lein! You have the worst smelling feet on the planet, dude" Keof said, wiping the happy tears out of his eyes.

"And that's how you wake up a sleeping Keith" Lein said, taking a bow. Keith let out a groan before lying back down in bed, the covers over his head. However, not long after they were yanked off of him and thrown onto the floor.

"It's time to get up, dude. Kolivan said he wanted to see us." Lein explained, poking Keith's thigh. "Keof and I are already ready"

"Five more minutes.." Keith mumbled, his face buried in the pillow.

"Nope. You're already running late. Get yo bum up, Keith" Lein said, pulling Keith's leg, literally. Lein seemed to under estimate their own strength and pulled Keith right out of his bed and onto the floor.

"Ow..." Keith groaned, sitting up and embracing his bed head. "Fine, I'm up."

After a quick shower and breakfast, Keith was ready for the day. Well, mostly. He, Lein and Keof began making their way down the corridor, on their way to meet with Kolivan.

"What do you think our mission will be this time?" Keith asked, still trying to fix his hair. He had forgotten to grab his hooded suit on the way out, meaning he couldn't exactly hide.

"I hope it's a undercover mission! Or maybe a surprise attack? I love surprise attacks!" Lein yelled, jumping up and down.

"Okay, calm down it's not that exciting" Keof said, rolling his eyes but smiling at the same time.

"Whatever it is I hope it doesn't take too much effort" Keith mumbled, still half asleep.

"Aww, is someone a little tired" Lein cooed, poking Keith's cheek. Keith just gave him the 'don't f*ckin touch me look' and let out another yawn.

"I swear you're the least morning person I've ever met" Keof chuckled, ruffling Keith's hair.

"Can you two stop attacking me? Thanks."

Once in the meeting room, the three Blades lined up with a load of other Blades. As Kolivan entered, all of them saluted, showing their respects.

"Good morning, Blades" Kolivan's expression never really seemed to change, interestingly.

"Morning" The group of Blades replied, some sounding more awake than others. Kolivan walked down the line, inspecting uniforms and basic presentable features. As Kolivan started approaching Keith's area of the line, Keith couldn't hold in a yawn. He tried to, he really did, but it was obvious he was yawning and Kolivan spotted him.

"Kogane, I see you're tired? Is this because of you being in the training room at 3AM in the night?" Kolivan asked, a slight drip of sass in his voice. Keith smiled sheepishly at him and Kolivan rolled his eyes.

"Do me 20 push ups. And fix that hair of yours" He ordered, walking past Keith. The tired boy stuck his tongue out with Kolivan's back was turned.

"That'll be 30 push ups for that" Kolivan said. Keith's eyes went wide in shock. How did he see that??? His back was turned???

"Are you really asking for 40 push ups Kogane?"

"Uh no sir" Keith said, quickly getting on with his push ups. His limbs were not in the mood but he got through it, trying to ignore Keof and Lein's little snickers. Once done, he stood back up and quickly fixed his hair, not wanting to do any more push ups. Keith quickly realised that Kolivan had assigned all of his missions and his group was the only one left.

"Keith, Keof, Lein, you three will be assisting me. We're meeting some possible allies and we'll need you three to get to know them." Kolivan announced, towering above all three of them, especially poor little Keith.

"So while everyone else is on cool missions, we're on tour duty?" Lein said, not looking that impressed. Keof discreetly elbowed Lein in the shoulder before smiling at Kolivan.

"Thank you, sir. We're overjoyed that you would trust us with the honour of meeting new allies." Keof said, still giving Lein a glare.

"What are the group called, Sir?" Keith asked. Honestly, he was surprised Kolivan had picked his group. Sure, Keof and Lein would be good for his but him? He wouldn't be the best example for the Blade of Marmora. He didn't even look like other galras. He stuck out like a sore thumb.

"The group is Voltron" Kolivan said.

"Wait, you mean the one from that stupid fairy tale? Did they seriously name their group after a fairy tale?" Lein asked.

"No, Lein. This is the real Voltron, it is not a myth or a fairy tale. There are four paladins who pilot their lions and together they form Voltron" Kolivan explained.

"The Voltron Tale said there were five paladins. Was that part a myth, sir?" Keith asked. Kolivan shook his head.

"Unfortunately, the group haven't managed to find anyone suitable of piloting the red lion, meaning they can't form Voltron. They are working on it, though. Now you three go and get prepared. This job might be quite a... shocking... event. Especially for one of you" Kolivan said, giving the Blades all one last look before exiting the room.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Keof questioned.

"I dunno. Don't question old Koli" Lein said, making the other two chuckle.

"If he hears you calling him that he'll slit your throat" Keith pointed out. Lein just laughed.

"He wouldn't do that to me. He loves me too much"

"Bet." Keof stated. "Besides, he certainly doesn't like Keith. Could you seriously not have held in your yawn for two more seconds?"

"I'm tired okay? Plus Kolivan apparently has eyes in the back of his quiznaking head."

"Nah. He's just magic" Keof pointed out. The other two laughed as they made their way down the halls.

As the three of them walked down a slightly busier area of the base, Keith began to notice the stares glued to him. Well, that was a lie, Keith had spotted them way before then. You'd think after Keith being in this school for years, Blades wouldn't stare anymore. You'd think Blades wouldn't scowl anymore. You'd think Blades would be used to it but apparently that wasn't the case. Over the years of having eyes glued to him, Keith became incredibly self conscious. This was the whole reason Keith wore a hooded suit. However, in the rush this morning, Keith had grabbed the wrong one. He could practically feel Blade's eyes burning holes in his ears.

Keith tried to ignore it as they made their way to the training room.

But it was always hard.

And it always would be.

Heyaaaa! So I changed it a little from my one shot book because I can stretch it out more here. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

Words: 1206

~Author Mill

~Growing Up With The Blades~ (Voltron Keith)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora