~Chapter Six~

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Third P.O.V

"Why do you look like that!?"

Okay, so maybe not the smartest way Keith could've spoken to the possible allies in a galactic war. But he was panicking, okay? This wasn't how he'd been expecting this to go.

"Like.. what?" Shiro asked, shrugging his shoulders.

"Seriously? Another alien race that finds us strange looking? Why does this always happen?!" Lance exclaimed.

"Wait wait wait, do all humans look the way you do?" Keof asked, sounding just as shocked as Keith.

"Well aside from people with different disabilities and stuff, pretty much." Hunk mumbled, looking extremely confused.

"So is it a human thing? Or- Or was your planet infected by something? How come you look like that!?" Keith yelled, completely disregarding earlier orders to be polite and welcoming to their possible allies.

"I mean- It's human biology and stuff, dude. I don't know how it works. It just does. Everyone on our planet has always looked the way we look." Lance explained.

"So anyone who looks like that is human?" Lein asked.

"Well.. yeah."

There was an awkward silence as Keith tried to comprehend what was going on. His head felt muddled as if it were a puzzle trying to solve it's self but not quite managing to.

"I um- I actually have to go report something to... Kolivan! He's our leader. Um.. sorry for asking a load of questions it's just.. I've never seen beings like you. But uh, bye!" Keith was sure his mouth was speaking on it's own as he slowly backed out of the room, turning his walking into a run the second the door closed behind him.


"I'm human! It all makes sense now! No wonder I'm so f*cking different! No wonder I'm the weirdo of this whole galra rebellion! It's because I'm not even galra! I'm human!" Keith yelled, pacing angrily back and forth.

"Okay Keith, calm down. I know this must be a lot to comprehend-"

"A lot to comprehend!? Keof, My entire existence has been a lie! Why am I even here if I'm not galra!? It all makes sense but it doesn't at the same time!"

"I know, Keith. Just give us a minute to-"

"A minute to what?! This entire time I was attempting to be something I'm not! I've been the strange kid my entire life and I thought I was strange but I'm not I'm just an entire different f*cking-"

"QUIET!" Lein shouted, grabbing Keith on the shoulder, forcing him to halt. "Yes, this is a lot to take in, Keith. Yes, you have the right to have questions. Yes, you're allowed to be confused and annoyed but we're trying to help and whining about it wont answer anything!"

Keith sighed and rubbed his face with his hand. Lein released their grip on Keith and the stressed boy sat down on the bed, biting his lip anxiously.

"You're right. I'm sorry." He said. "I'm just a little shaken up after finding out I'm a completely different species-"

"I don't think you are." Lein interrupted. "You've used your hand print multiple times during infiltrating missions."

"Plus, you've had Susoegherus. You know, that horrible virus every galra gets during one point in their life." Keof pointed out.

~Growing Up With The Blades~ (Voltron Keith)Where stories live. Discover now