~Chapter Two~

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It might be a little while before we meet Voltron but I don't know. Here we go!

Keith's P.O.V

"Keith? You okay?" I snapped back to reality when I noticed Keof tapping my shoulder. I looked around, remembering we were in the training room. I must've zoned out or something..

"Oh um yeah I'm fine" I mumble, taking out my blade. "Let's uh... let's get training"

Keof seemed to give me a strange look before pulling out his blade.

"Okay so are we doing 1V1V1 or 2 against 1? What's going on?" Lein asked, also preparing their blade.

"Let's do 2 against 1. Me and you against Keith" Keof explained, pointing to Lein. We all got into our places and activated our blades. I took a slow inhale, followed by an exhale, getting myself to focus.

Lets just say, it didn't go as planned. I was a little... distracted. I ended up getting my butt handed to me.

I let out a groan as I was flown to the floor for the fifth time. Sure, it was a 2V1 but I normally last way longer. During the fight I couldn't help but notice how much taller and grizzled Lein and Keof both were compared to me. Lein held out his hand to me but I stayed on the floor for a second, letting out a sigh and closing my eyes.

"Are you sure you're okay? You normally take at least one of us to the floor" Lein asked, letting out a chuckle.

"Y-Yeah I'm-" I stopped mid sentence, deciding to change my approach. "Can- Can I ask you two something?"

"Of course! What is it, Keith?" Keof asked, getting down on one knee.

"I-I just... What's the first thing you notice about me when you see me..?"

"Hmm, that's a difficult one." Keof said, scratching his chin.

"Not really" Lein butted in. "I'd say his ears. They're pretty small. But then again, you're pretty small"

I noticed Keof elbow Lein in the shoulder but Lein didn't seem to get the message.

"I um.. yeah. Okay. I-I think I'm gonna go back to the room now. I'll... I'll see you guys later" I said, standing up and speed walking my way out of the room.

"Wait Keith they didn't mean-" before Keof could finish his sentence I was already gone. I decided not to go to my room and instead go to my little hiding spot. Besides, I'd have to walk past the busy area to get to my room and my reputation isn't feeling up to it.

I soon arrived in my hiding spot: none other than the broom closet. It was small but I still fitted in there quite easily. Before anyone could see me I dashed inside and locked the door, pressing my back against it. I slid down slowly, gripping my hands into fists as I did so.

"God... even Lein admits it.." I mutter, hugging my knees and resting my head on them. "I just wish I was like the rest of them..."

After a good twenty minutes, there was a knock on the door of the broom closet.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's Lein and Keof" What sounded like Lein replied.

"... Go away" I muttered, resting my head against the door and closing my eyes.

"You'll have to come out eventually" Keof pointed out. I sighed.

"Don't want to.."

"C'mon, what's up?" Keof asked. "You've been acting strange ever since the meeting."

"I-It's nothing I just-" I paused for a few seconds. "I wanna look like you guys"

"What do you mean?" Lein questioned.

"I forgot my suit with the hood on it and everyone's just been... staring at me. I hate it. I hate looking different."

"Is this what it's about? Your appearance?" Keof asked.

".... Maybe" I mumbled, just loud enough for them to hear.

"You know we don't give a quiznak about what you look like, right?" Lein said, tapping on the door gently.

"Well other Blades do. They always have. I know we've talked about this before but- but I'm just not over it."

"I know it's hard for you Keith, but who cares about what other Blades think? You're unique. We can't mix you up for anyone else. Plus your height and everything is helpful during missions too. We would've have you any other way." Keof said. "Now could you open the door?"

".... fine" I grumbled, standing up. I quickly adjusted my hair before letting out a sigh and gripping the door handle. God, this situation was stupid. I opened the door before I could get a second thought in, only to be met with Keof and Lein smiling brightly at me. I return the gesture with a half smile before my eyes trailed to the ground and I fidgeted with my hands, starting to feel embarrassed.

"Let's just... go back to the room." I said, trying to make this as least awkward as I could.

"Okay" Keof and Lein nodded. They then started walking down the hallway before I remembered something.

"Wait!" I yelled, putting my hand out before slowly retracting it. "C-Can we go the long way? It's.... more quiet" I trailed off on the last part but they both nodded none the less. We then changed directions, making our way back to the room.

Once back at our room, and yes, we all room together. I probably should've mentioned that earlier. Once back at our room we all just chilled for a while. We had some work to do because even though we go on missions we still have to do work. Things like essays and mission write ups are the worst. After all that, we all got ready for bed. I lay down on my side, staring at the wall. Sometimes, just to annoy Keof, I'd kick the top of my bed seeing he was the top bunk and I was the bottom bunk but I wasn't in the mood today. I just lay there, thinking about my life. Honestly, this was the main reason I trained late at night like Kolivan said. Mostly just so I didn't think too much while trying to sleep.

There was a silence between us before I finally decided to break it.

"Hey guys?" I saw Lein turn to look at me from the other bed.

"Yes?" They both replied in unison.

"Thanks." I said simply. "I-I know I can be a pain with this stuff sometimes and -and I just-"

"No problem, Keith" Lein said, giving me a soft smile. I felt my face go red before I smiled back, rolling over again.

What were the chances I'd get put in a group with the most accepting Blades in the world? Because I was one lucky person.

I felt my eyes start to go heavy and I let myself be taken into my dreams.

Or that's what I thought.

DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN. I'm honestly loving this book even though we're only two chapters in. I hope I love this book forever. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

Words: 1134

~Author Mill

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