Chapter 19

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Germany PoV:

We sit down together on an empty bench in a park nearby as night falls. He sits with his elbows on his knees and face in his hands.

He's finally managed to stop his tears. But what he has been doing to himself has left clear signs. God knows what got to him...

"Francis? ..."

He looks up at me with red eyes and a forced smile. "Yes, Germany?"

His voice sounds so feeble... and devoid of his usual cheer...

"Do you think you can open up to me?"

He looks at me with a quizzical stare, as if demanding some explanation for my intrusion ... I just want to help him... I've seen this man show such extreme resilience before...

"I don't mean to intrude, but it's my personal observation that usually talking to someone does help... I used to talk to my brother when I was younger... Not that I'm saying you have to trust me... I could call someone else you'd like to talk to... Maybe Italy? He's like a little brother to you right? Or maybe Canada? Or maybe my brother or Spain? Or-"

his hand on my thigh cuts me off. He has a smile on his face.

"You know ... If trust is what the issue is, there is no one better than you. You are a very good friend to me, Germany." he sighs,"I just don't know what I'm supposed to say. I can't seem to string together a tangible set of words to express myself..."

I place a tentative hand on the one on my leg. His hand is so cold. I lift it to get a closer look...

His nails are broken ...

And there are cuts all over his palm...

...And under the sleeve that has rolled down...

He quickly pulls his hand away and pulls down his sleeve...

...but that doesn't remove the image of the deep red gash I saw over old scars.

"Are you judging me right now, Germany?" his voice sounds hollow.

"No. I would never do that... I'm only concerned about you... You are still reeking of alcohol. Did he really mean that much to you?"

"...I don't know what he really means to me... I've been trying to figure that out for over a few centuries now..."

"Francis... forgive me, but I still don't get it... Why did Scotland say you were to be equally blamed? What did he mean by that?"

"His crime was pushing his brother to his extreme limits... And mine was not stopping him..."

"Stopping Scotland? Then all of us in that room are to be equally blamed."

"No... Stopping England." he says, looking away.

"How were you supposed to stop him?" I ask, curious...

He lets out a loud snort. "That's the thing... He came to me... He set aside his pride, and approached me in the bar... in front of everyone... And I ... I ignored him... Blatantly made fun of him... He stepped up with enough courage to ask for help... and I... I made fun of him... I humiliated him in front of everyone... In front of Scotland..."

He began sniffling again.

...So, that's what had transpired in that bar fight... but something's still not clear to me...

"But... I've never really seen both of you ever actually act ... chummy... Why do you think ..."

"Why he came to me? ... Maybe it's because of the multiple other times we have seen each other vulnerable... It's more of an old practice... I cannot really explain it... It's like some sort of an unspoken pact... It's been this way for ages..."

"But... I still don't understand it... I've studied the history of Europe, and both of you have been at each others' necks since the beginning of time..."

"That's the funny thing you see... I never was the one who decided that we'd be enemies."

"I am afraid I don't quite understand..."

"Well... I'll try my best to explain... At least my side of the story... You see, we'd met back when England was still under Scotland, a new nation that did not truly understand the world... And Scotland took advantage of that to set me up as his enemy... I was just as naive, and took England's words to heart...

"By the time we were old enough to understand all of it... the rift formed was too deep. I held the belief that he still mistrusted me... The only way I could get through to him, was to break his walls... you can figure out the rest, can you not?"

"...I see. So this is a case of miscommunication. But why did you two not try too reconcile during the later years?"

"He was too proud, and I was too blind."

He turns to me once more and asks, "Germany... what would you do if someone tried to take Italy away from you?"

The question takes me by surprise. "I don't get you. Take Italy?..."

"You do love him, don't you?"

"...Beyond doubt."

He smiles as I feel the warmth spread across my cheeks.

"You rush to his side whenever he calls, despite knowing he will run off."

"He has been there for me when everyone else saw me as a threat. Besides, that is just his nature!" the words come out with more force than intended...

"So... if someone were to take him from you... What would you do?" he continued monotonously.

"I would try to get him back, of course. But why are you asking all this?"

"What if getting him back was not an option? Then?"


Then what? I've never had such thoughts, but now I can't overlook the thought. What would I do? 

...Now that I think about it, I cannot really imagine life without him... He has simply infused himself into my life, and I can't bear the thought of it being any other way.

"...I don't know. I'm sorry."

France lets out a small laugh.

"So, is it suffice to say that at least you would avenge him?"

"I guess it is."

"Hmm... Good. Life without him would be hard for you, right?"

"...It would."

He nodded solemnly and got back on his feet.

"See you later, Germany. Good Night. I have some work to get done."

"Good night, Francis."

I don't know what this man is planning, but I do know that we are all in for a rather nasty surprise...


I ended up using Germany PoV...
for the bonus GerIta(if you can call it that)

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