Chapter 20

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Narrator PoV:

"...With this, I declare the nation of Scotland officially dissolved. Crimes Scotland is charged with include the first degree murder of Francis Bonnefoy, former representative of the nation of France, playing an indirect role in the death of Arthur Kirkland, former representative of the nation of England and main representative of the United Kingdom, and posing as a threat  world peace among other crimes. Alistair Kirkland, representative of Scotland is thus sentenced to death. 

"Territorial rearrangements shall be discussed in the next meeting." Germany finished.

He felt a sick sense of satisfaction reading out the final decision of the committee and seeing Scotland dragged out in chains. It reminded him of the time he had been forced to watch the same treatment being shown to his brother... He sent a quick prayer to the heavens above for the current situation.

The others left the room in small groups of threes and fours. Slowly the chatter in the room died down, and Germany was approached by his lover.

"Hey Germany, Thanks a lot... you know... for punishing big brother's killer." he muttered.

"I punished no one," he said as soothingly possible. "The decision was taken by committee, and he got what he deserved."

France's death had been a shock to most... but Germany knew it was inevitable. After all, it was Germany that France had addressed his final letter to. 

His final plan. His last wish...

...And his suicide note.

Italy wrapped his arms around his lover's heavier frame and hid behind him as he saw Russia approach, closely followed by America who had just finished bolting the door shut.

Russia still intimidated most nations, with the few exceptions of USA, his brother Canada, Germany, China and India.

"Hello Italy." The tall man smiled cheerfully,"Hello Germany. Mind if America and myself take up some of your time?"

"Wh-what do you want from him Russia?" Italy asked timidly.

"Dude chill! We just want to talk. There is something we need to clarify." America chimed in.

"I see. Should I leave then?" asked the smaller European

"You stay right here." Germany made his point by wrapping an arm around Italy's narrow shoulder.

Neither of the others present raised an objection.

"Germany, do you know what we want to talk about?"asked Russia in his assumed sweet voice.

"I have a fair idea. Why not head to some place a bit more private?" replied the German.

"Sure!" Interrupted America.


The four men sat around a table at a small Parisian cafe.

For once, both Italy and America were less focused on the food in front of them, and more on the discussion going on.

"I don't get this. Why the hell did Scotland kill France? Wasn't France his primary ally?" asked Italy.

"Yeah, I don't quite get that either." added America, taking a sip of his coffee.

Germany didn't really know if the question was directly meant for him or not, and should he try to answer it when Russia broke into a chuckle.

"Do you really think Scotland actually has the strength or courage to do anything to France other than throwing a few loose punches?" he asks.

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