18 - WAR

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I already have a bad feeling when Rick declared that he's going to meet up with the Governor. Daryl and Hershel insisted to come along with him, all of us aren't really in favor about Rick's decision, especially Merle since Daryl's coming along.

I grabbed Daryl's arrows from the table as he sets up his motorbike, before I walked towards him. "Hey, old man."

Daryl faced me with a scowl on his face and I chuckled, shaking my head. "Be careful out there."

He grabs the arrows from my hands. "I ain't making promises, kid."

I sighed and playfully punched his arm, then hugged him. Daryl hugs back for a brief second, then he pulls away and tells me to keep everyone here safe.

Once they left, we all got back inside the cellblock. All of the guns that we got from Morgan were laid out on the table, on the other one are the ammos. My mom had gone inside the cells to take care of Judith. The rest of us, we stayed here, preparing the guns.

I grabbed my gun from my holster and unclipped the magazine from it, seeing the bullets almost out. I grabbed a box of bullets from the table and started loading up, before putting the magazine back on and cocking my gun.

"Farren." Carl calls to me and hands me a rifle. "Load it up, it's yours."

I nod and proceeded on reloading the magazine clip full of bullets. Merle's just standing there, watching us. Glenn calls Carl over before talking to Beth.

"If anyone gets pinned down, we need to make sure that they have plenty of ammo." Glenn states to everyone as I grab my dagger out of my other holster. "I'll go work on the cage outside."

"What we should be doing is loading some of this firepower in a truck," Merle spoke up, making us turn to him. "And paying a visit to the Governor. We know where he is right now."

"Are you suggesting that we just go and kill him?" Glenn asks Merle.

The latter nods. "Yeah, I am."

I jabbed the dagger onto the table, before completely facing the older Dixon. "We told Rick and Daryl that we'd stay put."

"I've changed my mind, sweetheart." Merle tells me and I scowl at him when I heard the nickname. "Being on the sideline with my brother out there ain't sitting right with me."

"Don't call her that." Carl snaps at Merle, who mockingly raised his hands in surrender. The former rolls his eyes at the man at the same time I did.

"The three of them are sitting right in the middle of it." Glenn tells the older Dixon. "No idea we're coming. They could get taken hostage or killed. A thousand things could go wrong."

"And they will." Merle states, making my insides turn. I hate to admit it, but he's probably right.

Carl faces Merle. "My dad can take care of himself."

"Sorry, son, but your dad's head could be on a pike real soon."

Carl walks away and I glared at Merle, walking towards him. "You shut your damn mouth, you've said enough. You don't get to talk to him like that."

The latter whistles lowly before I back away. "You sure are over protective of your boyfriend, kid."

I grabbed my gun from the table, along with my dagger and followed Carl out. Not before saying: "He's not my boyfriend, asshole."

Luckily, I immediately found Carl on watch. I joined him and let the silence sit between us.

"He's a dick." Carl spoke up, making me chuckle and nod. "Yeah, I know."

"So," he starts. "You think my dad and the Governor will sort this out?"

I shake my head without a second thought. "No, they won't. The Governor's done too much. As far as I can tell, he's gone psycho and your dad's not stupid."

I just wish nothing bad happens to the three of them right now. The Governor's tricky and sneaky, he can go all psycho on them if he wants to.

"Yeah, I agree." Carl says, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Hey, do you..."

"Do I what?" I asked, looking at him.

He sighs. "Do you miss Sophia?"

Of course I do, there's not a single day that passes by that I don't miss my twin. Sure, my mind's been pretty preoccupied with everything happening lately, but at the back of my brain, she's there. Our memories, our connection.

So, I nod. "I always do."

Before, thinking of Sophia always brings me to tears. But now, I just feel emptiness at a part in my heart. "I remember the day before your father came. We were drawing random stuff, you'd always laugh at my work and we'd always be amazed with hers."

Carl chuckles at the memory. "You aren't a good artist, Farren."

"Hey!" I pushed his shoulder as he laughs. "My drawings aren't that bad."

"You can't even draw a stickman's body straight." I burst out laughing along with Carl. He and Sophia would always make fun of me about that, because it's true. I'm horrible at arts, or as I prefer, the best in worst at arts.

I finished laughing, regaining back my normal breathing. "Alright, okay. I'm terrible at drawings. I've always been the sporty one and Sophia... she's always been the artistic one."

Carl nods, there's still a small smile on his lips. "I miss her too. And... mom."

I looked at Carl with a weak smile. "Me too."

Muffled voices from back inside were heard, until we heard a gunshot go off. Carl and I both stood up, looking at each other. We both heard footsteps that made us turn around. It was Glenn.

"We heard a gunshot. What was that about?" I asked.

"It was nothing." Glenn then dismissed us.

I ignored Merle as we passed him, I'm pretty sure Carl did the same. I was about to enter my cell, when my mom called me from another cell.

"What's up?" I asked, going inside the cell.

"Let's go check on your wound." She tells me.

I removed my shirt and my mom carefully and slowly lifts the bandage up from my shoulder. I winced a little.

"It's healing, but we need to change your bandage." My mom told me and I nod, telling her to just do whatever she needs to do.

After a few minutes of cleaning up and getting a new bandage, my mom gets me a new top. It was a white tank top and a new pair of clean bra, well sports bra.

"Really, mom?" I said and she chuckles.

She helps me on putting the clothes on, embarrassing me when she said that my busts have gotten big, before I got out of that cell. Holy hell, that was torture.


We're all gathered around because Rick's gonna tell us about the talk he had with the Governor. I'm stood next to my mom, as we watch Rick stand in the middle.

"So I met this Governor," he starts. "Sat with him for quite a while."

"Just the two of you?" Merle asked him, and Rick says yes. The former walked pass Glenn, not before telling him: "Should have gone when we had the chance, too."

"He wants the prison." Rick announces, making shivers run down my spine. "He wants us gone. Dead. He wants us dead for what we did to Woodbury."

What about to what he did to Maggie? To Glenn? To me? To the lives of the members that we lost because of him? He seems to act like he and his town are the victim here, but in fact, we are the victim here. They strike first, we just stroke back.

"We're going to war."


just some filler chapter since carl and the peeps at the prison didn't have much scene on episodes 13 and 14

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