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The day of rest for Chibi was anything but normal. Souls that lingered in the air was anything but sweet. All of them moaning their discomfort with being dead and unable to pass through to the world where reincarnation would happen.
The world Chibi wished she could go beyond.

There were so many wishes Chibi wished for. They were like these:
•Her real name
•Her family and where they are
•The ability to reincarnate
•More wishes
•And the ability to end the woman who took her away from her biological family.

Her list was practically never ending. So many opportunities were stolen from her and all she wished was the regain them. She wished for so much. But it would never happen.

And it was all because of the woman who gave her the name '63194'.

That woman lied, abused and treated everyone Chibi grew to know like an object. That once they broke, she could just replace them. She could discard them. To some a day of rest was a day for peace. But Chibi's idea of a day of rest was to finally not have to battle against the odds and break free. Break free from her mind. Her insanity. Her pain. Depression. Anxiety. Everything.

Her mind felt like she was breaking down. Like the drugs that were injected into her body her disintegrating her mind and that one wrong move, one mistake, would end everything.

She couldn't rest. She couldn't relax.

These feeling haunted her. These feelings were a curse to her. They were the burdens she would carry until she finally go to the other side. They were like stones tied to her by chains. Only they were bigger like concrete.

She had to carry the deaths of nearly 300 children. All because she was too innocent.

If she wasn't naïve they would still be here today. If she wasn't so naïve this wouldn't be happening. She would be free. She would be uncaged from guilt.

She found herself pathetic. She could never do anything right. The souls were telling her that. The souls were her dead friends whom she had killed. They whispered to one and other.

'She is horrible.'

'Why can't she just realise she did this?'

'Mama wanted us to trust her but Chibi is just Mama's spy.'

'She's a traitor.'

Tsuna! Mirina! Rin! China! Toko!

They all hated her.

She gripped the side of her head in pain as more of their whispered invaded her mind.

"Stop it." She muttered. The whispered increased in volume and soon became screams.

"Stop it!"

"Stop it!"

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