Meet The Parents.

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Hey guys, I am SO sorry for the wait but I have really bad writer's block right now and I've had a lot of family things going on lately. This chapter isn't the best but I wanted to get something up because it's been so long. I promise to get something up as soon as I can. Again sorry!

Not Edited, Happy Reading!

Copyright: Attrib. Non-comm. No-derivs (CC)


Ch. 11 Meet The Parents

I sat next to Caeden and smiled nervously at his parents. I got a better look at his mother and she was stunning, she looked a lot like Emaline except with blonde hair. She beamed at me and I smiled back, anxious to get this over with.

“It’s nice to finally meet you, Vanessa.” I looked towards the voice and almost gasped, Caeden’s father looked exactly like Caeden except older. He was really handsome and I couldn’t help but notice that neither he, nor his wife looked old enough to have two adult children.

“Uhm, nice to meet you too, Mr….?” I trailed off realizing that I didn’t know Caeden’s last name.

“Mr. Cabrera, but you can just call me Daniel, and this is my wife, Marta.” He said politely and then smiled. I found myself smiling too and then I felt Caeden put his arm around the back of my chair. I looked over to him and had a strange, foreign feeling go through me. It caught me off guard and Caeden must’ve noticed because his smile fell a little. When he went to open his mouth his mother began to talk.

“Vanessa we have been waiting for Caeden to find his mate for years! I was starting to think he wouldn’t meet her.” She grimaced at the end looking thoughtful.

“Yeah, then he would have been stuck with Sarah.” Emaline said under her breath but we all heard her. I giggled and tried to cover it with a cough, before glancing up at everyone embarrassed. I know Emaline said they hated Sarah, but you never know.

“Oh, I’m so glad that didn’t happen.” Caeden’s mom said before winking at me.

“Marta-“, Mr. Cabrera said looking at his wife with a small amused smile.

“What it’s true. I don’t know why you picked that power hungry she-wolf to marry our son.” She said and that wiped the amused face I had right off of me. I felt the energy within myself change. Even though I had already known Sarah was to marry Caeden, the thought made me more than a little angry.

Caeden seemed to be the only one who noticed because he turned to me and looked at me questionably.

“Well, she was the prettiest in the pack I thought that would keep Caeden from wanting to sample everything with breasts and a…you know.” He said causing Mrs. Cabrera and Emaline to laugh. However, it made me furious.

“Excuse me.” I said in a curt growl before storming off for the bathroom. I smelled Caeden before I heard his footsteps.

“Vanessa…” He said before grabbing my arm to turn me, but I pulled away without facing him.

“Vanessa, please. They just forgot your wolf will be a little possessive.” He tried reasoning with me, but him talking to me was just pissing me off more. He shouldn’t be defending them for talking about that bitch in front of me. UGH! What is wrong with me?

“Vanessa…” He tried again. I whipped around to face him.

“What Caeden?” I asked more than a little irritated. He looked at me in surprise, searching my face. I could feel my eyes blazing. Caeden grabbed my face with one hand and brought the other to wrap around my waist pulling me closer into him.

Finding Your Mate at His Bachelor Party?...Awkward. (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now