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Hey all, sorry for the wait....there was something I wanted to say but I can't remember at the moment lol Oh well anyway happy reading!

Dedicated to MelodyE2 for the support, I love message board posts! lol

Not Edited sorry!!

Copyright: Non-comm. No-derivs (CC)


Chapter 17- Complicated

We had finally gotten in touch with Alpha de Luca and tried to put some things together. Turns out he claimed there were no rogues on his territory because all of the ‘rogues’ that were in our territory are a part of his pack.

To say I was infuriated, would be an understatement.

His job was to be keeping track of his excused pack members so that they didn’t cause any damage and now here it is. We find out that his members have been running free wrecking havoc on our lives and have now stolen our alpha female.

I was on the verge of starting a war with his pack because of his carelessness before my father showed up and forced me to go back to the pack house to look at the records of the woods. Every pack house has a map in there Alpha’s room. The map is mostly used for educational purposes, explaining how things work to new wolves and whatnot.

On this map are color coordinated lands that mark the beginning and ending of each territory, it also tells you what belongs to who. We needed to map out what areas we had already searched and what was near the place Emaline’s and Vanessa’s scents were the strongest. For the past few hours I had been mindlessly barking orders for my pack members to find them at whatever cost but my wolf was seeing red. I was challenging pack members for no reason whatsoever and baring my teeth at everyone.

Someone knew things were getting too far and mind linked my dad showing him what was happening. I just needed my mate. There were painful tugs in my heart, from us being too far to be unmated and it was driving my wolf mad. He was barely letting me have control of the things I was saying let alone my actions.

I couldn’t focus on anything besides her and pacing the floor of his office so my dad searched the map, occasionally asking me questions of where we had searched, to which I kept replying through gritted teeth, ‘everywhere’. He also kept asking where their scent was the strongest.

Suddenly the loud shrill ring of the phone echoed through the quiet room and I leapt for it without thinking twice.

“Yes.” I demanded in a hostile voice.

“This is Alpha de Luca I-“

“Have you gotten any news?!” I cut him off leaning on the desk with the phone smashed up against my ear. Jaw flexed and fists clenched.

“We have no idea where they could be. Jason isn’t in his room and-“

“Did you really think he would take our kidnapped alpha female into your pack house you-!” I started to dig into him but my father took the phone from me before I said words that couldn’t be taken back or resolved.

“I’m sorry, his wolf has taken over.” My father said to the incompetent alpha over the phone and began asking questions. The thing that was getting to me the most was the fact that Alpha de Luca is supposed to be one of the higher, more respected alpha’s. Not only was his pack the largest and most diverse but he had been selected as the ‘Leader Rispettato’ of the alphas. Apparently the Anzianis hadn’t thought things through when they chose him.

‘Caeden.’ I looked up to see my father still yapping on the phone, writing things down. I looked around the room and didn’t see anyone or anything. I could have sworn I heard Vanessa say…’Caeden, can you hear me?’ I felt my eyebrows rise up my forehead in surprise.

Finding Your Mate at His Bachelor Party?...Awkward. (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now