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OMG I apologize guys! You have NO idea how isanely busy I've been these past few weeks. Thank you all so much who kept voting, commenting, fanning and leaving me messages. It really means a lot to me that you guys are sticking this out with me. I wish I could dedicate every chapter to all of my fans but I can;t...and I've tried lol. But happy reading everyone!

This ones dedicated to HOTnWILD because her comment made me laugh the hardest :) I promise I read all of your comments and I try to reply, you guys have some hilarious views on things.

This chapter is a little rushed because I hadnt gotten anything up here in awhile so its not edited...sorry!

Copyright: All Rights Reserved:

Ch. 19: Mother???

Vanessa’s POV

Emaline and I were terrified as we stood in the middle of the makeshift hospital room. “No time to answer that sis.” I responded to her previous question of our whereabouts. “But we do need to get out of here as quickly as possible without being noticed…” I trailed off trying to think of the best way to get out of here. Jason would be searching for me no doubt, but he was a common wolf, his senses weren’t even as good as Emaline’s and mine, let alone Caeden’s.


I quickly put my hand up to the side of my neck, feeling no sensation whatsoever. My temporary mark had faded. “UGH!” I growled in exasperation.

“Uhm, was he like that when you got here?” I turned to her with a confused expression before I noticed she was pointing at the dead doctor on the floor.

“Long story” I mumbled. She nodded, giving me a look that said I would definitely be explaining this later.

“Why don’t we just go out this door?” Emaline asked pointing towards the door that I assume leads out to the hallway, if we were human we would probably have to yell to hear each other over the sirens but we didn’t. Even though they were making us squint because of our sensitive ears.

“Because that will make us easy marks…” I muttered. “Unless…” I trailed off again thinking about using the closet tunnels again. We would run a slight risk of bumping into someone but the tunnels are narrow meaning that if we encounter anyone they wouldn’t be able to gang up on us. Even if we ended up cornered from both sides we would be at an advantage. “The tunnels!” I said excitedly before dragging Emaline to the closet door with me. When I did I heard men running past the hospital room door. I guess no one thought I would try to get Emaline before making my escape.

“What are we doing in a closet Vanessa? Are we supposed to be hiding out until the guys find us?” She questioned. I was about to give her a snide comment when I remembered, she’s awake now.

“Ema, I need you to contact the guys through your link. Tell them that we’re still underground and that men are after us, but we’re safe for right now. I don’t want them rushing and harming themselves because they weren’t thinking clearly.” I said the ending as an afterthought. She nodded and closed her eyes. Contacting whomever she chose to contact.

Meanwhile I decided the best time to figure all of this out would be while she was distracted. I leaned against the cool, rough wall of the back of the closet, trying to concentrate past the annoying ringing of sirens. When I was satisfied that I heard no voices or movements, I put my nose in the air trying to see if I could smell anyone else’s scent. When my wolf and I were satisfied it was safe I opened the tunnel door and pulled Ema with me.

“Woah, what the hell?” She started, but I just continued to drag her, throwing a “no time to explain.” Comment over my shoulder, I couldn’t help but notice that the sirens weren’t heard as clearly in the small tunnels as they were in the rooms. Suddenly I felt another pull, this one wasn’t as strong as when I found Ema but I followed it.

Finding Your Mate at His Bachelor Party?...Awkward. (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now