Ch. 20: Family Secrets part 1

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hey loves, can you believe we are 20 chaps in??? I can't I never thought I'd get this far in the story. I know a lot of you complain about the cliffys and I just wanted to let you know that I don't do it on purpose it's just easier for me to remember what direction I want the next chap to go if I see where I left off. Anyway some of yo may consider this chap a bit of a cliffy but I don't think so since there is tons of information to absorb in it. I hope you all enjoy the chapter, as I said we are approaching the end.

Dedicated to: XxSaraLoverXx for the sweet inbox message. My other fans leaving messages will get deds for the next couple chaps. Happy Reading!

Not Edited, because I tried to get this up quickly for you guys. But this ones Cool points???? lol

Copyright: All Rights Reserved:


Chapter 20: Family Secrets part 1:

Caeden’s POV:

If my wolf hadn’t been so in tune with my mate I may have just let her hit the ground as she fainted. But my arms shot out reflexively before I even understood why. I looked down at a passed out Vanessa, well Abrienne. She looked so much more peaceful this way than she had since the last time I saw her. I held her bridal style cradled in my arms.

Abrienne. It suits her. Vanessa was a pretty name but it seemed too common for the beauty she posses. She wasn’t a normal pretty girl, she always had an exotic edge that I couldn’t get enough of.

It seemed the entire courtyard was stunned into silence at this new revelation. That is until hysterical sobbing could be heard and it was getting closer to where we stood. De Luca’s Luna made her presence known as she ran towards my mate. This seemed to knock Catalina out of her stunned stillness because she threw herself in front of me and Van-Abrienne and crouched down defensively.

“You stay the hell away from my daughter!” She shouted at the once sobbing Luna. De Luca turned his annoyed gaze towards Catalina.

“She has every right to check on OUR daughter.” De Luca says lowly and cruelly. But the way he says it makes it seem as though he is saying Vanessa is he and his Luna’s daughter. Not Catalina’s. My curiosity got the best of me and I broke out of my stupor.

“What the hell is going on here?” I asked a question that seemed to be floating through every pack members mind. De Luca, his Luna and Catalina seemed to finally realize that there were other wolves present and immediately tried to act normal. As if we hadn’t already seen the beginnings of this dysfunctional family reunion. I could see that a few of de Luca’s pack members were shifting back into their human forms while others were nervous by my packs watchful stance.

“I think this conversation would be better suited between the alphas and their families.” Luna de Luca speaks coldly while glowering at Catalina. De Luca just looks around at his pack, it seemed as though he had something else to say but I cut him off.

“The hell it will. Like I trust you conniving wolves.” I state harshly causing my pack members to immediately go back into defensive mode. Most members were shaking their scruffy heads out to clear the haze that was left behind by this confusing announcement. I look to my father and notice his concerned gaze shooting between everyone. He must be trying to put together the pieces on his own.

“You cannot take her. She belongs here.” Luna de Luca directs an angry glare towards me and I growl.

“She belongs with her mate, away from a cruel unbearable woman such as yourself, Anita.” Catalina sneers.

“How dare you, you address me as Luna. You are not worthy to use my name.” The Luna sneers back at Catalina.

“But I was good enough to carry a child for your alpha. A job that a barren witch like you couldn’t achieve!” Catalina all but shouted at her causing a few more of de Luca’s pack members to shift back to their human forms and gasp. I looked down at Abrienne, glad that she was asleep so she didn’t have to witness the outcome of her family lineage in such a harsh way. Still peacefully sleeping, I adjusted her in my arms before continuing to watch the scene unfolding in front of me.

Finding Your Mate at His Bachelor Party?...Awkward. (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now