Chapter 51

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   Beth's emotions were rising. When Liam didn't answer her in the first few seconds, something snapped inside her and she fell into his arms, sobbing.

Liam couldn't register Beth's words, but he could feel the emotion. The weight of what she'd just said hung around them. Soon he was crying too, although he didn't know what about.

His cries were short-lived though and he began comforting Beth. He stroked her hair and said it would be okay. His confused brain was still trying to register what she had said. The words repeated themselves over and over in his head but remained like a ship lost in dense fog.

Finally, the mist cleared and the words computed. "I can't have kids." She had said.

He felt an uncomfortable weight settle in his chest. A lump formed in his throat. Several emotions started playing ball in his mind. He concentrated on stroking Beth's hair. There were several negative feelings trying to taunt him, but they were losing. The strongest emotion he felt at that moment was love. And it was gradually dissolving the weight in his chest.

His mind was made up and he began shushing Beth, in a calm and comforting way. Her sobs quieted. He gently took her face in his hands and lifted her head to meet his gaze. He looked deep into those beautiful violet eyes he loved so much. They were blotchy and full of tears. A drop fell to her cheek. Liam took his thumb and wiped it away.

At his touch, Beth's lip began trembling. She saw deep love in his eyes but was still terrified at what he would say.

Liam touched his finger to still Beth's trembling lip. "I love you," He said.

Beth took a gulp of air. Desperately trying not to cry anymore.

"I love you." He repeated. This time more fervently, staring straight into her eyes.

Beth struggled to keep her emotions contained.

Liam firmly grasped her face in his hands. "I love you Beth Fields. Forever and always. No matter what."

Beth started crying again. Immediately, Liam brought his face to hers and stopped the flow of tears.

The kiss was tender and reassuring. Any fears that Beth had been feeling were completely gone, chased away by the love Liam had for her. She kissed him back and embraced him, never wanting to let him go. She wanted this moment to last forever.

Their embrace loosened and they clasped each other's hands. Beth noticed how naturally perfect their hands fit together. She rested her head against Liam's chest. His steady heartbeat soothed her, like a baby in its mother's womb. Her most hated fact about herself had been revealed and surprisingly all she felt was peace. She also felt a lot lighter, almost like she was floating. She used to lie to herself, that it wasn't a big deal that she couldn't have children, and that she was fine with it, but those lies were never true. She'd harbored a lot of emotional weight, like a load of bricks strapped to her back, and now, it was gone.

Suddenly, Beth heard a low grumble.

"Sorry," Liam said. It was his stomach growling.

Beth laughed. "Oh yeah, we haven't had anything to eat today."

Liam was overjoyed to see Beth happy again.

Then Beth's stomach made a noise, though much quieter than Liam's.

"Hey, I heard that." Liam chuckled. "Allow me to escort you to brunch."

Beth took his outstretched arm. "Oooh, brunch. How faaancy." She said in a funny accent.

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