The balcony...

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Welcome back, I see you loved the cliff hanger... will there be another one...?

Billie stands there for a good ten minuets trying to open the doors, when a girl Suddenly opens then,
Girl: Hey Billie boo *laughs*
Billie: what the fuck do you want Anna
Anna: you baby girl...
You: how about you Fuck right of and find another girl to hit on Bozo
Billie looks at you in shock as she barges past Anna and drags your behind when Anna Clothes lines your Neck to stop you as you fall over.
Anna: ooops *laughs*
Billie: What the fuck did she just tell you bro *pushes her to help me up*
Anna: oh you love it really *winks*
You: I think what you will love is a mother fucking punch to the face *gets up* thanks Billie
Billie: Scurry of rat *turns back to her*
Anna: I guess you've won this time, watch your backs Bozo's *walks of*

Billie: sorry about her...
You: it's ok, what did you want to tell me?
Billie: well.... I have to leave for your again soon, I wandering, if , I don't know, you wanted to come with me *smiles*
You: *jumping up and down Smiling* I would love to!
And as you said that, you feel something roll under your foot and you slip and fall straight onto your head, wiping you out completely. All you remember from then on was words from Billie *Y/v are you ok?! OMG SOMEONE CALL AN ABULANCE* *Its ok baby stay strong, I'm here ok*
And with that everything went black. You heard the sound of Anna's Laugh as you closed your eyes you wishers
"I will get you back... anna*

Billies POV:
The ambulance drove us to the hospital. Fuck. She hasn't woken up yet, I've already taken three police statements. Nothing bad happened. To be honest I don't really know what's happened. I'm so glad That My family's here to... maybe I should try and contact her friend? WAIT SHES WAKING UP SHES WAKING UP!

You slowly start to open your eyes
You: b... Billie?
Billie: *starts to cry and you try and sit up* no no stop baby! Don't hurt yourself more!
Maggie: Patrick, fin and I are heading to the coffee shop, want anything?
Billie: some Mints please *smiles and turns back to you*
You: w...what happened? Why am I here *Touches head* OW
Billie: at the party yesterday, you Slipped on something... and you smashed your head straight into the floor... I'm so happy your ok baby *hugs and starts to cry*
You: don't cry!.. I'll be ok! When can I get out of here?
Billie: I don't know, they said Tomorrow should be ok, it depends how you are feeling *takes your hand*
You: I'm so sorry....
Billie: why are you sorry?!
You: it's my fault, I shouldn't have gotten cocky yesterday *OW*
Billie: hey hey, baby, that girls a mofo dickhead dude *laughs*
You: I can tell... *giggles* hey bill,
Billie: yes mama?
You: could you please stay the night with me... I mean if you don't want to....
Billie: of course I'm staying! Also your phones been blowing up *laughs*
You: my phone I.... SHIT
Billie: what?!
You: Chloe! OH MY FUCKING LORD *grabs phone*
Billie: who's that? *laughs and gives a strange look*
You: shes my best friend, but she's also my cousin....
Billie: dude that sick! I don't have any Because my parents are so god dam OLD *laughs*
You: Dude *laughs* can you help me sit up??
Billie: sure *grabs remote and presses up button for head* there we go, may I lay next to you?
You: of course! *shuffles along as she goes next to you and under the covers*
Billie: your so god dam cute I can't *blushes and looks down*
You: bitch I'm a mess!
Billie: *rests head in your shoulder* you could never look a mess baby, I love you
You: thanks princess *kisses* I love you more, also... I should probably check my messages *laughing*
Billie: yeah let's read em together *smiles*'

Phone view:
Chloe: hello?
Are you there?
Ok so you don't like me anymore?
I'm fine with that.
Moved on?
What a bitch
What the hell is wrong with you
Why are you not answering?!
Forgot about someone?
Oh yeah ME
I see how it is,
You where starting to annoy me anyway, I'm always biting my tung for pathetic girls like you, suppose to be my best friend and family. More like in the bin now, bye :) I'll find better people.
Why are you on the news with Billie Eilish?
What the hell
What's going on?!
I give up, Fucking two faces Bitch

You look up from your phone and start to cry, Billie snatched the phone from your hand and starts to read the messages.
Billie: what the actual fuck *comforts you* she never deserved you anyway
You: I'm such a fuck up *crys harder* what did I do to deserve you?
Billie: You deserve the world baby girl *smiles* now come on, you need to rest, while you where asleep, I started writing another song called Xanny... here lemme sing a bit...

When all of a sudden Maggie comes Barging into the room*
Billie: we are fine what the fuck I'm going on
*maggie starts to panick* MUM HELLO?!
Billie: woah woah mum it's ok! Deep breathes
Maggie: THERE COMING! *breaks down onto the floor as around six teen nurses and doctors some rushing in a lock the door*
Billie: what the fuck is going on....OMG
Nurse: he's here
Billie: who's here?
Nurse: There here
Nurse: THEM

Happy reading! Find out next time who These "men" are... enjoying so far? Cliff hangers may or may not be at everyone Don't worry.. or should you! Haha, hope you have a lovely day my angels: there's no sun with out a sky, like there's no Success with out a dream -Elle 2019

Billie Eilish- I'm falling Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora