The Base.....Bat?

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Welcome back my angels! I'm finally back in full focus! Yesterday's was so short due to me going to Billies Pop up In London🥰😍 but anyway! Enjoy!

Billie told Finneas something and the fans where starting to stand up when Billie asked them all for full focus again.
Billie: ok so.....
Billie: I love you to... but. Today on Instagram one of my new songs was leaked Onto YouTube to. It wasn't any of you guys I hope. If you have it. Please delete it *smiles* BUTTT I'm also going to be playing it to you now!

The crowd went absolutely wild. They starting screeeming and Shouting.
Billie: I have Security coming around checking that no ones recording. You all promise not to record?
Everyone: WE PROMISE

Maggie looked at you and rolled her eye. She knew that everyone there would record it. It was almost a rhetorical question. Of course they where. You looked at her and giggled as knew exactly what she was thinking.
Billie: ok, and also thanks to my Girlfriend for giving me the courage to play this to you today *laughs*

Billie ignores the fans shouting for you to come in and Finneas starts playing the tune as Billie starts jumping around like crazy and the fans begin to jump to the beat.
Billie absolutely smashed the song and so did Finneas. The crowd went absolutely CRAZY they where screaming and then Billie played the song for the bows and they went of. You hugged her so hard and You think her eyes popped out. You started crying as you where so happy for her, you couldn't hold it in anymore.
Billie: baby we got a meet and great now *laughs* don't cry then
You: want me to come with you?
Billie: of the even a fucking question *panting as she takes some water*

You both take a bathroom break then you head over the meet and greet room. As you walk past, there where so many fans shouting billies and your name. You couldn't help but smile at the sight. You eventually got the room. You stood next to Maggie to help take pictures and videos the the kids meeting Billie.
Around an hour had gone past and you where down to the last family. A girl Around the same height as you was crying her eyes out and could not stop. She hugged Billie and was saying about how billies her saviour. Eventually it got to picture time. She took a load of pictures with Billie but then asked.
Girl: Billie, could we take one with you and your girlfriend over there.
She pointed to you
Billie: *looks at you* of course, come here baby.
You: ok *smile and hands phone to Maggie*
Girl: you smell so nice to *hugs you*
You: thanks *giggles*

Maggie and Patrick take some more pictures when finally the girls Time was up.
Maggie: I'm really sorry hunny but your time is up.
Girl: ok *smiles and hugs you both one last time* goodbye!
And with that she family thanked everyone. The first show was over and now you could relax for the evening before you travel again for the next ones.

As you are travelling back to the tour bus. You hear a guy shout yours and billies name and asked you two to come back into the building because you left something there.
Billie: MUM DAD! We left something in the building...
Maggie: ok come straight back out after *smiles*
You: will do
Man: hurry hurry!

You and Billie looked at each other. Realising you had everything with you. You still went back inside.
Man: *slams door* welcome Back *evil smirk*

You felt something wacky you round the back of the head. It was a baseball bat and you could hear Billie screaming my name and That's when Maggie cane running back over. After that it was all a blur....

Billie Eilish- I'm falling Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ