Chapter 27: Six and a Dwarf

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Jolette woke up to the harsh light of morning on her face, too bright for the season and, she felt, much too early.

Blinking, she sat up, looking from side to side until she oriented herself. There was no sign of the adults anywhere. Edmian was already awake, but had not yet stood up.

"Morning," she mumbled around a yawn. "Why's it so bright..."

Edmian scrambled up to the window and peered outside. "The clouds are too white," he said.

"And too close. Are those even clouds? How high are we?"

Edmian didn't answer. He only continued to stare into the blank, silent whiteness outside.

Groaning, Jolette yawned again and scrambled off the bench. Every part of her was stiff and uncomfortable. Cold too, and her clothes clung to her. Maybe they should have bothered with a blanket last night instead of curling up on the naked wood.

"Where is everybody," she muttered, padding through the room and towards the door to the corridor. "They went that way last night, right?"

Edmian didn't answer. He was still staring out through the window.

"What?" Jolette called out. "See something out there?"

Edmian shook his head. "Nothing."

"Then what's the problem?"

Edmian stared into the clouds for another long moment, then he tore himself from the window and followed after Jolette. "It's nothing," he said. "Just...the clouds, they look too much over there."

In a heartbeat Jolette was back at the window, frantically searching the blinding, faceless mass of white as if expecting an army of Colorless to emerge from it at any moment. "Is that how it looks like in the Colorless Land?"

Edmian nodded, visibly tense.

He was scared, Jolette realized. He wouldn't want to bother her with it, but she could tell. He was afraid.

So was she. But that wasn't important right now. She needed to say something to comfort him, quickly.

"Don't worry," she said, hoping to sound confident. "I can't see anybody out there. It's probably just clouds."

Edmian gave a small nod.

"And hey, even if it's not, it's probably normal weather coming down from the mountains. Maybe the wind brought it here or something."

Edmian swallowed and glanced back outside. Jolette could tell he wasn't buying her cheap attempts at comfort. "What if they hide in there?"

"Don't think they are. And even if they are, who knows why they're here," Jolette babbled on. "Probably not for us. It's not like they know we're here, right?"

Edmian hesitated for such a long moment that Jolette wanted to take back her words. Then, at long last, he turned away from the window and nodded.

"Do you think the others have noticed it?" he asked as they walked out of the room and through the corridor, past more maps and up the stairs.

"I guess they did. And if they didn't, we can tell them!" Jolette chattered in the most optimistic tone she could muster. "If we find them."

As if on cue, a door creaked open, and they nearly bumped face-first into Evariel.

"Oh, there you are!" he exclaimed, looking relieved. "I've been looking for you! I...might have forgotten where we left you two. Good thing you're awake!"

Neither of them answered.

"Don't be fooled by this place looking like a tower," Evariel chattered on, barely noticing their silence. "It's a labyrinth. There's a map of everything in here, except for one of the tower itself! Dwarves are a funny people. Or terrifying. I'm not sure which."

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