Chapter 2

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Yannis POV

"The point is, we think that you should be rewarded, not punishing yourself. Alright? And he's definitely prepared to reward you." I curtly explain, pointing at Vernon who've just manage to finish the bagel.

"I say that we go to my buddy's old restaurant down town. Its very vibey..." Vernon suggest.

"See." I continued still having my thumb pointing at the goofy camera man.

"We just ate on the way over here." April approaches the door.

"No, I know we just-I'm not saying for a full meal, we're just gonna eat appeteasers." His words has already gone to deaf ears as April just grabs her bike and put her helmet on.

"Heh heh, heh-woah!" I chuckled a bit before being interrupted by April's pull as she drags me away.

"I got to go finish that interview. We'll see you at the office Vern! She says while I muttered, "wait... What do you mean we-"

Dragged again, with a frown I give off a grim face. "I will see you guys at the office!" He says putting his sunglasses on. No... Don't leave me... I grimace as April let's go of my arm and clips on her helmet.

"Why do I have to go?..." I whined as I retrieve my skateboard she has pass me.

"Well, you agreed on helping me right?"

" I said 'fern' is going to help you-"

"So you're helping me with this, okay." she says hoping on her bike.


"Its not a question!" She paddled away ignoring my pleas. Looking at her retreating back, I sighed and shook my head. Tossing the board down onto unsteady pavement, I start to ride back to our original spot and threw the empty cup away when I pass a recycling bin. Surfing the street, I followed behind April as she went further ahead. I whistled in satisfaction when I took the whole view on the bridge we were riding through.

"Hey Neil?" I call out.

"Yeah?" She answers back, Now siding by her, she glanced at me.

"How long will this take, exactly?" I ask and almost immediately she giggled.

"Knowing me... Get comfortable."

Why did I even agreed to this... I sigh


"I just wanted to follow up Mr. Rivetti." April mentions, video calling the annoyed contractor over her phone. Sitting on the pavement, I fiddled around with my black skateboard; just waiting and thinking about dinner.

"Are you kidding me? How did you get my number?" I hear the disbelieve in his voice over the line as she moves about.

"I just have one more question"

"Listen, I already told you everything I know about this crime. Everything."

"Wait, wait wa-"

"Okay fine. You wanna know anything else, you go back down to the dock and you see my guy, Stan. He'll tell you anything else you need to know, okay? And hey, do me a favor. Loose my number, alright?" He says before the call abruptly ended. Putting her phone away, she then glances at me. Instantly standing up, I threw my board on the ground again.

"Where to?"

"The docks... Guess we have to find Stan now..."


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