Chapter 11

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Yannis POV

I glance at the brothers, nodded my head and pursed my lips in approval. Not bad... at all~
April than sigh on the side.

"But we were just little girls..."

"And you gave us freedom, where others would have kept us in cages." Splinter stated, which Leo stepped up to.

"Wait a minute, Dad... If they were the ones who saved us… than who are the Hogosha… the ones you have told us about, all these years-" then Mikey jumped in.

"Yeah, Yeah! who are those great guardian spirits then?"

"That's right, and these are the Hogoshas…"



The both of us questioned at the same time. Then, April turn to the turtles who were now bowing at us.

"Dude… My girlfriend totally the Hogosha…" Mikey whispers, not so quietly earning a nudge from Leo. Causing a bit of a giggle from April and a smirk from me.

"Neat…we have servants now-Oww," April  elbowed me again. Seriously! Someone, give this girl a damn black belt… I grimacing at the pain, I sulkily look at her. Mikey got another much harder nudge when he chuckled.

"Now… has the mutagen been working on you lately?" Splinter ask which I replied with a shrug.

"I guess… I mean they sometime do, but at other times... They tend to act out. And by that I meant 'most' of the time," I look at them seriously, quoting that significant word. "And when I say most of the time I mea-"

"It effected her strength at a very high rate and her immune system increased majorly, and I'm really, really sorry I didn't believe you all this time…" April speedily blu4ted, before turning to me and took my hand, apologizing repetitively.

"Honestly…" She looks up with regret painted on her face. "I don't really mind about that." I smirked at her.


"But what I really, really care about right now is that… You, still, owe, me, ma milk-shake." I emphasized, with a straight face and she immediately clenched onto my hand, which made me cringe in pain.

"Ow, ow, ow, oww…" Soon I held on to my hand and blew on it to sooth the pain out, crouching on the side and the brothers chuckled.

"Yeah… Thank you very much, Yannis." She smiled. Okay, Why does her smile seem to twitch a lot? I contemplate to myself, while Splinter just shook his head.

"Why did you bring us here?" April ask, turning back to him.

"Well… To find out who told of our existence…" Splinter stated, and her eyes widen a little.

"Uhh…" She then to me and desperately mouthed; 'help me…' Shaking my head to deny her request, I raise my arms in defeat.

"Nope. Na-ah, this one's all on you Neil." She signaled me a few more times, and every single time I just cross my arms and shook my head.


Sighing, April finally answered hesitantly, "Nobody had believed me… Except for Eric Sacks."

"Sacks…" Splinter trails off. "Just as I feared… Sacks is not a friend. His soul has been poisoned by the influence of dark master. The Shredded…"

"What? Like paper shredder- shredder or... just Shredder?" I bluntly ask and April nudges me and I gave her a confuse look.

"Much worst…" He says standing up. "You see… Shredder practically raised Sacks in Japan. He is like a father to him. And Sacks… Sacks will do anything for his master." He finishes as we stood up.

"Wait, wait… Sacks and Shredder? So why aren't we out there hunting them down?" Ralph suggested while Splinter shook his head.

"Because, Raphael the Shredder is a Skilled Warrior whose cruelty is ever reaching! And you are just teenagers…" He reminds, leaving Ralph to only growl in frustration.

"The mutagen in your blood is of great value to them... Now that Sacks has confirmation that you are alive, I fear they will bring the fight to us…" When he finishes, a sudden thought came into mind.

"Wait, wait, wait…" I whispered to myself.

"Wha-Woah!" I shove my cup to the perplexed Mikey.

"Hold my cup." I said before storming towards April, as she was conversing with Splinter.

"Woah-Hey," she steps back a bit as I rush into her jacket, shuffling here and there to fish out a card. Ignoring all the stares and calls, I went under a bright light bulb and held the card to it.
"I knew it…" I muttered to myself when I saw a very small red dot blinking through it.

"Right. Somebody destroy this card for me," I ordered directly throwing towards the brothers and Donnie fumbles around to catch it.

"W-what happend?" April ask, now worried.

"It seems like someone… doesn't, want to leave us alone." My face turn serious at this point and everyone's eyes widened.

"I mean they're probably on the way here…"

"But how could he…"

"Honey. You just can't trust a guy who experiments on itty, bitti animals. That's just messed up. LITERALLY." I attested before she could open her mouth again.

"If its your dad… He doesn't do that kind of stuff, alright." Before anyone could even say anything, I kept going.

"Get yourself ready, Because they will probably be here in like 3, 2-"

"Perimeter Infringed. Breached! We have incoming!" Donnie's alarm system suddenly setting off and going up to the screens as everyone looks around in panic. April then run up to them, taking a look at the sewers.

"Oh no! No, no! We got two breaches. Fan room, weapon wall!"

"Mikey, flank right! Donnie, on me! We gotta go! Go! Go! Go!" Leo commanded, but when I turn, I saw April running towards the weapon room.

"Wait…" Leo mumbles.

"Hey! GET BACK!"

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