Chapter 14

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Third POV

Raphael was struggling to crawl back up on the ground, when a pressure was punched onto his shell and he immediately dropped back don't groaning as Shredder steps on him.


His shell went as he ended up being push harder when he tried to get up. Everybody's ears perked up when the hear aloud noise behind the door.

"THIS, IS, SPARTA!" Yannis banged open the door rushing pass the shock Vernon towards an open loft, slipping over the railing.

"Damn it!..." She curses falling over the story and onto Shredder. "T-Oof!"

"Ugh..." Yannis dizzily got up from the very knife-like Shredder, before swaying her Naginata at him, staggering as she stood infront of Raphael.

"No-n...body! stabs-s me and runs awey! Y-ya here me." she wobbles drunkenly, her face white as snow, pointing her weapon at Shredded. Having back his senses, he finally stood up and spun around with his weaponx. Dodging it with the Naginata she battles with him for the second time, while Ralph was trying to get back his bearings. He joins in when Yannis was cornered and yet again this fight too they lost when Yannis stabs Shredder. Blinded by his anger She was flung away by a roundhouse. But before she could hit the wall, Raphael came into the view and shielded her, wrapping his arms around her and took the impact instead.

"Ugghh..." both of them groan as Shredder walks away. April was yelling for the other brothers to wake up, after heightening their adrenaline tab. Soon enough the meter started to beep rapidly and all of their heads shot up. Their body started to vibrate excessively as they broke free from the straps.

Then Yannis tried to get up, her hands face palms Raphael's as she tried to push herself up. "Get your of my face," he growled before
grabbing onto her arm.

"Sorry..." she hisses a bit at the pain and Raphael in reflex lets go of it. Making her topple to the side with a thud and Raphael winces as groans again.

"Augh..." She rolls a bit to not lean on her already injured arms. "Uh...sorry-" Raphael apologizes and she just put a finger onto his lips.

"Don't." She winces still lying on the floor as he just guilty rubs the back of his neck, was still a bit soar from the attacks.

Then a loud crash came from the upper loft, shards of glass flying everywhere as April and Vernon backs away from the three who was kneeling on the ground. Their hyper reaction were revealed when they suddenly stood up and began to pace about.

"OHHhh! I feel really good RIGHT NOW! I feel like running!" Michelangelo announced without any restrain.

"I feel like cleaning~ Who wants to clean the DOJO!? I'll clean the Dojo!" Leonardo blurted out cheerily, while the others starts to rap out other random words.

"Endorphin! Endorphin!" Donatello repeated, putting on

"We got to get Raph!"

"Raph!" Leonardo calls out.

"Raph!" Donatello yells out too before the three tumbled off right to the second floor breaking the railings.

"Are you okay?" All of them scrambled and ask in sync running towards Ralph as he was helping Yannis up. She has just got up when she was bump by the three and face palmed again.

"Ugh... Why you guys gotta do that to me..." She hugs her left soaring left arm.


"Hyannis!? Are you okay?!"

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