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However books are opened in front of Khushi, her concentration was solely robbed by her family. She couldn't able to come up with a convincible solution which justifies their action. They came on their own claiming Lavanya health was resultant of Arnav actions and left on their own without a word. They're the hardest puzzle of her life, period.

Shaking her head as if trying to shove away the unanswered questions, she fixed her eyes on the book. She has to study for her, for her husband, for her family. She has to make them proud. With this newly taken decision, she concentrated on her notes. It's not even a minute passed, a shrill of calling bell rang breaking her concentration.

Sighing, she closed her books and went to open the door. The moment the door opened wide, her eyes enlarged in surprise. There laid a big teddy bear of her height welcoming her with its cute appearance. Noticing the expression he wished to see on her face, Arnav grinned at her standing behind the teddy bear.

"It's so cute, Arnavji." She exclaimed taking it on her hands. The sleek surface of the bear got her thrilled. She rubbed her face on its velvety face and giggled feeling the softness of it. She hugged the bear tight, close to her skin.

"This is not fair. Attention only to the non-living thing than the one living creature who bought this for you." Arnav whined seeing her showering kisses to the bear.

She giggled at his cute face and stretched her right arm calling him to her shifting the bear to her other arm. He willingly went to her arms and hugged her tight.

"Seems like sir is in a happy mood today?" She asked caressing his back like she caressed the teddy bear sometime before. Lest she wants him to behave like a jealous baby.

"You got it right. I'm very happy." He answered coming out of the hug.

"Then something good must have happened. Tell na what the matter is about."

His happiness rubbed on her making her curious. She looked at him eagerly waiting for him to confess.

"Lavanya will not interfere on our life henceforth."

"Really?" She asked unsure of what she heard. She should have known this is coming when Lavanya left without a word.

"Yes, baby. She's out from our lives, though it's temporary for now. I'm hoping to extend it permanently." He answered adding his thought at the end.

"How it happened? I mean, so soon?" She questioned taking the teddy bear inside their room after closing the main door.

"All because of..." He initiated the answer and stopped his words in midway as his eyes roamed across the room.

"Because of?" She frowned at his halt and turned to face him after safely placing the teddy bear near her side of the bed.

"You can't get everything for free."

"What?" Her frown deepens at his cryptic statement.

He sauntered towards her to grab her hands gently and whispered huskily, "I revealed the reason already and if you need additional information, you'll be charged. How about that?"

Her eyes glint in excitement and her heart drummed anticipating his next moves, "Shall I know the payment options?" She questioned with strange elation, with her heart pounding on her chest. She damped her dried lips preparing bracing herself for the upcoming demand.

"Of course." He grinned at her and extended his hand and took something on his hand, "It's so simple Khushi. Just fold these clothes in return, I'll clear all your doubts."

Khushi instantly pushed him away feeling enraged by his demand. When she was dreaming for some cosy moments he's giving her some stupid task. He's fit to remain as a saint only, she mused angrily.

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