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I unlocked my locker and started taking out books I need for the day with my best friend beside me. I sighed loudly cuz I'm so sick of school. Who wouldn't be? "You've been sighing so much,chill out. I know you hate school." I rolled my eyes as she's stating the obvious.

"Everyone hates school but the thing is,we can't really do anything about-"

"Ohmygod,they're here." Clary's words made me look at her in confusion. I turned to what she's looking at and my heart melted instantly. It's the school's infamous bad boys. There are 4 in total. Jaeden,Ben,Jeremy and Anthony. But of course I only look at two of them.

Jaeden Martell and Jeremy Hutchins. They have been my crush since I first saw them. They never really talk to me but they know I exist. We just never really talk. "Ok don't be mad but who do you like again? Jaeden or Jeremy?" Clary's question caught my attention and I'm so ready to smack her face to the wall.

"Hey,what the hell?" That made her laugh at me which made me rolled my eyes. I continue doing what I was doing since the boys are gone already. "I mean,you gotta know which one you want. It's very important." I scoffed at what she said which made her look at me confusingly.

"Why does it matter? It's not like they're gonna fight over me and ask me who I want." I rolled my eyes as I started walking with Clary after slamming my locker shut. She hold onto my arm as we walk slowly. We have plenty of time before class starts so why rush? "You don't believe in miracle,do you?"

"No,I don't. Miracle never happened to me before so why believe something that doesn't exist in my life?" I confidently stated which made Clary shake her head. I mean,it's true. Bad luck is what always happens to me. "You're gonna regret saying all that one day,Jess."

"Do you know something I don't? Is something good gonna happen to me anytime soon or something?" Clary smiled happily as she look in front. What's with that smile? "I can't predict the future so I don't know." She shrugged before entering the class before me which made scoffed. So confident.
_ _ _
I finally finished my homework which is a good thing. I check the time and it's only 6 pm. The sound of a car pulling up made me look out the window in front of me. It's Jaeden pulling up at his driveway. He got out of his expensive car before started entering the house.

Yes,Jaeden is my next door neighbour. I freaked out when I found out he's my neighbour. Good times. His bedroom window is facing my bedroom's window which is kinda fun cuz I get to see what he does when he's bored. But I'm not a freak who sits in front of the window and watch his every move in his bedroom or anything.

It's just that everytime I glance at my window,I see him. His beautiful face. Ok,I should stop. I got up from my study table before heading downstairs to watch a movie. As I'm about to start the movie while holding a bowl of popcorn,my phone buzzed. It's Clary.

Clary: I'm bored. :(

Me: I'm busy,bye. :)

Clary: Girl,don't leave me. Is Jaeden home yet? 😏

Me: You're saying it like he's living with me,gosh. 🙄

Clary: He is your neighbour so can you blame me for asking?

Me: Go away.

Clary: Chill. By the way,when are your parents coming back?

Me: In a few months,why?

Clary: I heard Jeremy is looking for a place to stay while his apartment is being renovated. Wanna offer him a room while your parents aren't around? 😏

Me: Are you crazy? He may be my crush but I'm not a slut,goddamnit.

Clary: It's not like you guys will sleep in the same room or anything,stop overreacting.

Me: You're right,it's not like he knows me.🙄

Clary: Well,he knows me. I can tell him that your place is available. Think of this as an opportunity!

Me: No,never.

Me: Clary? Why aren't you replying?

Me: Hey,you're not doing what I think you're doing,right?


Is she doing what I think she is? Ohmygod,my heart is racing so fast right now. It's true that Clary and the boys are pretty close. Clary was about to introduce me to them but I don't want to have an awkward situation where I ended up having a crush on a close friend. Two close friends,for a fact. My phone buzzed which made me quickly check it.

Clary: Relax,my gosh.

Me: You didn't do anything,right?

Clary: No.

Me: Ok,good.

Clary: Except telling Jeremy about your house being available. You'll thank me later. ;)


Clary: Stop overreacting,I said. Your parents are the coolest people on earth. Besides,they love it when you do something kind for someone.

Me: I'm gonna die. What am I gonna do? How am I going to act around him? Should I just kill myself already?

Clary: Stop.Overreacting. He's a nice guy,relax.

Me: Yah,you are aware that he's my crush,right?

Clary: Oh,of course. You talk about it every second I breathe.

Me: You're also aware that living with my crush is gonna kill me,right?

Clary: You'll be fine. Besides,he didn't agree yet so it could be a no? I hope it's a yes tho. 😏

Me: Oh,fuck off.

I'm officially not gonna be able to sleep tonight. Ohmygod,this is so bad. So fucking bad. What if he say yes? How am I going to be around him? It's gonna be so awkward and I hate awkward moments. CLARY RIDES!


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