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It's now Monday and I'm with Clary at the cafeteria. We've been talking about Jeremy's sudden change in attitude. Not that Jeremy is totally ignoring me or anything but like he doesn't smile as much these past few days. "But like I don't even know what I did wrong."

"What makes you so sure that he's mad because of you,honestly?" I sighed loudly as I leaned against the chair I'm sitting on. I bite my bottom lip lost in my thoughts. What did I do? Is he upset because I didn't hangout with him and the boys or something? But why? "Do you think he's upset because I didn't join him when he's hanging out with the boys?"

"No,I don't think so. When it's boys' hangout,it's boys' hangout." We both keep thinking of the possibilities. You see,this is why I hate being curious. Cuz I would blame myself in any possible ways. Even if I'm not close with that person. "Hello,Clary and Jess."

That voice brought us back to reality. It's Ben and Jaeden smiling at the both of us. I nodded at them shyly while they just smile at us. Ben take a seat beside Clary and Jaeden take a seat next to me. "So,Jess." Jaeden's words made me look at him. "You came to school with Jeremy,didn't you?"

I nodded with a smile thinking how nice Jeremy was. He offered me a ride to school eventhough he's a lil pissed at something I don't even know. "Yeah,why are you asking?" He look at me with a smirk that made my heart melt. I just look at him innocently. "Well,Jeremy kinda got a detention which means he'll be late."

"Your point is?" I know I sounded mean a little but I just wanna know what he's saying. It's not like I'm annoyed by him. How could I ever be annoyed by his face? "Well,can I take you home after school? We're neighbours after all." He shrugged which made me smile. Ohmygod,he offered to take me home. Am I dreaming? Is this real?

Ok,be cool about this,Jessica. You don't want him to think you're desperate. "Yeah,sure. That'd be nice." I stated while struggling to keep my cool. I give him a small smile before looking in front. My face turned into a disgusted face because of Clary and Ben being all flirty.

"Gross,huh? Well,get used to it cuz you'll be seeing that more often starting now." I chuckled with Jaeden as he stated that. But for a fact,I did see this coming. Ben and Clary? It's so obvious that they're into each other. They won't admit it but I know that they're into each other. I mean,look at that happy face they both have on.
_ _ _
I'm in Jaeden's car while playing my phone and of course Jaeden is driving. I don't really have to tell him the direction to my house cuz he's my next door neighbour so there's no need for that. With that statement,we're in the car that's filled with an awkward silence.

Me avoiding the awkwardness,I play with my phone. Honestly,my mind is somewhere else eventhough I look so focused on my phone. "So uh..I know this is none of my business and out of the blue but what is Jeremy to you?"

I put down my phone as I look at him in confusion. Why is he asking me that? "Umm..a friend,I guess. Why?" I wait for him to answer me impatiently. He looked over to me with his hands on steering wheel. "A friend who walks around the house shirtless,is that what it is?"

I look at him in confusion. I'm sorry,why am I being attacked? Stay calm,maybe this is how he asked people questions that he's curious about? "Well,that morning I woke up and he's already shirtless and I can't really force him to put on a shirt since we barely know each other." I shrugged while looking at him who's looking at me in disbelief.

"But you were wearing a big baggy shirt,what's that about?" What's going on? Why is he attacking me like this? Did Jeremy asked him to do this? "Ok,why are you asking so many questions about this? I told the 3 of you that morning when you guys came to my house that nothing happened between us. Besides,why does it matter to you anyway?"

I look in front while he's technically yelling at me. He keeps on looking at me which means he's not focusing on the road which is worrying but he chose to yell at me so yeah. "Because it just does,ok? It's annoying to see you both being all giggly in the morning like a couple wou-"



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