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"Your house is really big,wow." Jeremy and I are walking around my house cuz he asked me to give him a tour. I decided to chill a little and stop being nervous by trying to be friends with him. "Well,yeah. But I'm warning you,do not ever try to enter the places that are locked. My mom and dad will freak out."

"No entering the places that are locked,got it. What else?" I don't know if I should say it but I think it's a must. I stopped my track which made him look down at me with a confused face. I didn't realize that he's so close to me until now. "If you need anything from me and if I'm in my room,please knock the door."

He chuckled at me which made my cheeks started heating up. "Are you scared that I might walk in while you change?" His voice suddenly got lower which made me even more nervous. He scanned my face with a smile. "N-no. Just knock,okay?" I turned around to continue walking while mumbling words to myself like 'fuck' and stuff.

I startled when someone suddenly whisper to my ear. "Ok,Jessica." I started fastening my pace with my cheeks heated. I can tell that I look like a freaking tomato right now,alright. Damnit,you Jeremy Hutchins. We continue the tour and he have been flirting with me a lot,I'm not even kidding.
_ _ _
I'm on the couch watching a movie since tomorrow is a Saturday. Friday night is when I watch tons of movies until very very late. Jeremy is upstairs sleeping,I assume. He have been quiet so I guess he is. He better be cuz I'm wearing a baggy shirt and a booty short. My phone started buzzing which made me check it. It's Soo Yeon,what a surprise.

Clary: Have you guys made out on the couch yet? 😏😏

Me: You're so inappropriate.

Clary: Didn't he do anything that made your heart race like crazy?

Me: Him being here makes my heart race like crazy,okay? I don't think I can survive this time. If I die,tell my parents I love them.

Clary: You're such a drama queen. Are you watching a movie?

Me: Yeah,why?

Clary: Is he with you? :D

Me: No,he's asleep,I think. He better be cuz I'm wearing my typical PJ's right now.

Clary: Ohmygod,do you mean your baggy shirt and a booty short?

Me: Yeah,what's the problem?

Clary: For a fact,Jeremy never sleeps at times like this. And the possibility of him seeing you in that PJ's of yours is very high.

Me: He's quiet so I bet he is asleep.

Clary: You should change into something more not revealing,I'm warning you.

Me: That's too much work. :(

Clary: Suit yourself.

I'm positive that he's asleep. I mean,humans could never be that quiet unless they're asleep. Yeah,he's asleep. Out of nowhere,someone sit beside me. I look at the person and startled. It's Jeremy who's smiling at me.

"I'm still shocked with the fact that Jaeden is your neighbour,you know. Like,what a small world. Do you always wear like that?" He pointed at my outfit and I cover body with my hands which made him chuckle. He must've been staring at my outfit all along,ohmygod. "Wh-What is this? So what if I do?"

"You should change if you don't want guys looking at that body of yours." I look at him in confusion. Why does he care? I decided to be sassy with him cuz why not? "And if I don't?" He smirked at me challenging him. If he's gonna live with me,he's gonna have to tolerate with me being all sassy.

He then leaned his face closer to mine while staring at my lips which made my heart feel like it's about to explode. He smirked as I started moving my body away from him. He started getting annoyed so he grabbed my wrist stopping me from moving and whispered in my ear. "I don't think we'll be able to be just friends if you don't."

That answer made me get off the couch and run upstairs. I rush to my bedroom and slammed the door shut. Holy cow,what was that? He literally-I don't even know how to put it in words anymore. I could feel my cheeks heating up and I'm a tomato right now.
_ _ _
Jeremy's POV
I chuckled to myself before watching the movie that Jessica was watching. She's literally so adorable. I read her texts with Clary and it's obvious that she actually likes me. I mean,I make her heart race by being here,that definitely means she likes me.

Not gonna lie though but the first time I met her which is at her locker this morning,she just kinda make me smile automatically. Even when she's not doing anything. When she's nervous,her expression is my favourite. She's just so adorable. Ohmygod,what is this feeling?

Am I into her? If I am,she's my first crush ever then. Wow,I'm proud of myself for having something new to experience now. I'm excited to go through this experience with her being apart of it.


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