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When I wake up, I'm immediately hit by the familiar feeling of being tangled up with a sleeping Billie. Both of us had fallen asleep during the second movie we started to watch, with Billie's head on my shoulder and our hands intertwined. While we slept, we shifted around to get more comfortable, and Billie's head ended up on my chest while her leg was slung over my body.

I lift my hand to gently run my fingers through her hair, being careful not to wake her up. I examine her delicate features as she sleeps, feeling overwhelmed with happiness because this is all I've wanted for over two years.

My sense of happiness doesn't last long though, my smile dropping when I remember that she isn't mine anymore. She has someone else. I'm just an ex to her.

With that thought, I let out a soft sigh and gently move Billie off of me so I can get up. It's the middle of the afternoon, which means I have to get ready to go to work soon. She lets out a cute little whine when I move her but stays asleep, her head nuzzling into a pillow instead of my chest.

She's so fucking cute.

I adjust the blankets on top of her and place a sweet kiss to her cheek before pulling away and collecting my things.

While I was out getting her soup, I also got her a bunch of her favorite snacks and candy to eat once she's feeling better. I grab a napkin from the soup bag and a pen from her desk and scribble a quick note that I then place by the bag of treats.

for when you're feeling better. call me
if you need anything x
love, lexi

I debate for a moment about whether or not putting 'love' is the best idea with her having a boyfriend and all. The way I see it though is that she already knows I still love her, so what's the point in hiding it? If she says it makes her uncomfortable, I'll stop, but for now I want my feelings to be known.

I look at Billie one more time then grab the bag I came with and walk out of her room and her apartment.


"I'm gonna blow your brains out."

I chuckle and glance over at Darius for a second, "We made a truce, dickhead," I reply then focus on the screen in front of me again. "I'm just trynna steal that fighter jet in peace."

It's Saturday now and neither of us have to work today, so we decided to just fuck around and play Grand Theft Auto all day.

"I don't care, I'm already set on killing you," he says and I roll my eyes playfully.

When my phone starts to ring I'm prepared to ignore it, but I glance down at it to see Billie's name. Without hesitation I stop paying attention to the game so I can answer it, putting it on speaker.

"Hey, Bil," I say happily and Darius looks over curiously. "You're on speaker phone, Darius is here."

"Yo!" he shouts and I hit is arm to tell him to quiet the hell down.

"I guess I won't talk about our crazy kinky sex then," she jokes and Darius chokes on his own spit, making me laugh loudly.

"So what's up?"

"I'm just bored. I was doing lame ass interviews all morning and now I don't know what to do."

I smile at the fact that I'm one of the people she thinks to call when she's bored. Guess her boyfriend isn't as entertaining as me.

Void // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now