Twenty Nine

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ugh when did i go so soft?


I exit the elevator with Billie on my back, her arms wrapped around my neck and my hands holding the backs of her thighs. We're all smiles after the day we had, and they're extra wide knowing I'm not leaving now.

"I still can't believe Devon's crusty ass really thought he'd get away with that shit," I say with a chuckle and squeeze Billie's thigh. "Especially with fuckin Nancy Drew on the case."

"What can I say? I'm pretty brilliant," Billie says smugly and I chuckle, but it cuts off when we turn the corner to see Devon walking out of one of the rooms with his bag.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

He looks up and his face quickly changes from neutral to angry before he spits, "You better fix this shit. I ain't going home."

Billie taps my chest to let me know she wants to get down so I let go of her thighs and let her jump off my back.

"Yeah you are," she says firmly and crosses her arms as she glares at him. "You shouldn't even be here in the first place."

"You forgetting our little deal?" he asks and raises a brow, and I see Billie tense a little. I run her back reassuringly and she glances at me, relaxing when our eyes meet.

"You know what, Devon?" she starts while looking at me then turns to meet his eyes again. "I don't fucking care. Be a little bitch and go to the press, be that asshole."

He looks caught off guard and I smirk proudly. Damn I love this girl.

"It'll ruin your career," he tries to scare her but she just shakes her head.

"My real fans will stick around, that's all I need," she says confidently and he opens his mouth to respond then closes it dumbly, at a loss.

"You're gonna regret this," he says and steps closer, so I put myself in between him and Billie which makes him stop in his tracks.

"Walk away," I say firmly and he glares down at me.

"And what if I don't?"

I roll my eyes, "Quit acting like you're some big man and walk away. You're not gonna do shit," I say dismissively and he raises a brow.

"Oh yeah?" he lifts his fist and takes a swing, but I see it coming from a mile away.

Oh I'm so glad he swung first.

I duck out of the way then surge forward and tackle him, sending him flying to the carpeted floor which he hits with a thud and a groan. Like lightning I'm on top of him and don't hesitate to deliver a swift blow to his face, smirking when I hear the familiar satisfying crack of a nose and see blood start to pour out almost instantly.

Damn I've missed fighting.

I pull my arm back to land another punch but Billie catches it and holds it back, preventing me from doing so.

"What the hell?" I snap and turn to look at her, instantly softening when I look into her eyes.

"Stop, don't take it farther than you should," she says while Devon groans in the background under me.

Void // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now