Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
Sapphires POV
I woke to the sound of my alarm blasting through my room. I reached my arm over, my eyes still closed, to turn of my phone. I felt something pull me back and groan. Confusion spread over me. I tried to move again, still refusing to open my eyes. I was pulled back again by my waist. Giving up, I finally opened my eyes. It dawned on me that I wasn't in my room. Instead of my art covered walls, the walls were cobalt blue. I turned over facing Liam who had his hands wrapped around my waist. "Morning," his hair was messy and his voice was groggy.

Oddly enough, it made him even cuter than usual. "Morning,"

I finally found my phone on the floor and turned it off. I got off the bed, Liam removing his arms from around me. He didn't seemed phased at all by it while I'm over here blushing like a maniac. "What are we gonna do about school? I don't have any clothes."

"I can drop you off at your house before we leave for school,"


"Do you want to wait downstairs while I get dressed?" He asked standing up.

His messy hair fell in front of his eyes while he tried to push it out of the way. I felt myself blush even more than I already was. "Uh, okay," I managed to get out.

I headed down the stairs where Mia and Henry were already sitting, eating breakfast. "Do you want something to eat?" Mia offered.

I didn't usually eat breakfast so this was new to me. "I'm alright thank you,"
"Okay, there's some here if you change your mind,"

Mia, Henry, Everly, and Liam all looked very similar. They both had dusty bling hair and baby blue eyes, although Liam's eyes were definitely a deeper blue than the others. I've never seen eyes as blue as his. They were a pure blue, most of the ones I'd seen were gray-blue. I, on the other hand, looked completely opposite of them with my dark hair and dark eyes.
Mia and Henry got up to put their plates away before walking to there bags. "We have to head to the bus stop," Henry informed me.

They headed towards the door before stopping, Mia spoke first soon followed by Henry "You know I really like you Sapphire, I hope you stick around,"

"He really likes you, we can tell,"

I felt a pang in my chest. I couldn't take lying to them. Liam's acting must be pretty good if he's gotten his own siblings to believe he really likes me. They left for the bus stop and Liam came heading down the stairs. "You ready to go?"

He must of notice something was wrong because he asked, "Are you okay?"


"What happened?"

"I feel so bad lying to people, Henry and Mia actually believe that you really like me,"

He rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the floor. "I guess our plans working then, that's what we wanted right? People to actually believe us."

"Yeah but I feel terrible about it. It would be different if it were actually real, if we actually liked each other,"

He sighed, "We should get going so we're not late,"

He grabbed his keys and headed to the car, opening the door for me. "Thank you,"

The ride to my house was pretty quiet. I must have upset him somehow. He pulled into my driveway, which was empty since my mom was at work again. I don't know how she does it with such little time for sleep. "I'll see you at school,"

His knuckles were white from holding onto the steering wheel so tight. He seemed in deep thought. "Yeah," he wouldn't look at me.

What did I do? I shut the door and headed inside. I got ready for school and waited for Athena to come pick me up. When I got in the car she immediately sensed something was wrong. "Are my emotions that readable?" I questioned.

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