Chapter twenty five

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Chapter twenty five
A couple miles of running later I had absolutely no idea where I was. Somewhere in the middle of a bunch of cornfields. I knew one thing: I was angry. Far more than angry I was furious. How did I get played again? He promised and I freakin' believed him.

I yelled loudly. One of the perks of being in the middle of nowhere is that no one would hear you if you got the sudden urge to scream, and I had a lot of motivation for yelling right now. I'm so stupid. I kicked a rock at my feet. It flew in the air before joining its friends in the gravel. The entire street was empty and barren, no doubt because of how late it was.

The sky was filling up with clouds and just by the smell I could tell it was going to rain. No doubt the universe's way of spiting me. How dare it make it rain when I was so upset. I wanted to scream at the sky.

And sure, maybe I was being a bit irrational but I was mad. I was almost happy, I was so close and then the world had to say 'oops sorry, my mistake' and take it all away. What I did to deserve this I wasn't sure yet. I wish the world would tell me because I'd be happy to change if this is what my life is going to be.

I finally collapsed, falling onto the ground with a huff. My mind was foggy and I tried to come up with any rational thought. This wasn't how I planned things to turn out in the slightest. I should have known it was too good to be true. I should have known he was too perfect.

I tossed a rock that was next to me, feeling no motivation to get up. I very ungratefully ripped my phone out of my back pocket.

I had dozens of messages from Tara and Athena both. Even a few from Sam, though I refused to read those. I didn't want to hear any of it. I didn't care. What could they possibly say that would make me feel any better? My boyfriend, or I guess ex boyfriend, just cheated on me. What could they say that would make me feel okay.
I sat on the ground, tracing random shapes into the gravel. The sun was already setting and it was about to become night. I was a long way from home, and as for how I was gonna get back I had no idea. I let the tears flow freely down my face as I stared into the sky. The sunset was beautiful and if I wasn't so upset I probably would have loved it. But I didn't feel like being happy at the moment.

So I sat and mopped, because I deserved to mope for a moment. I deserved to be sad for a second. And once I was done being sad I lifted my phone up from the gravel.

I finally opened my phone, scrolling through the messages. Athena left hundreds of messages asking where I was and if I was okay. I sent her a quick message stating that I was fine. I checked Tara's next. Hers were more peculiar, all filled with things along the lines of 'It wasn't Liam's fault' and 'I can explain'.

I wiped the snot from my nose and rubbed my face before replying back a quick 'what do you mean?'

She replied almost instantly, 'Please call me' .
I groaned but hit the call button anyway. It rang once before Tara answered, "Liam didn't cheat on you!"

I sniffled, "Huh?"

She went to speak but I cut her off, "I saw him kiss another girl,"

"Lydia, I know. She's on the cheer team with me,"
I already knew that it was somebody from the cheer team but I let her continue anyway. I needed to know what she was going to say. "So I heard what happened, about Liam cheating on you and I couldn't see how that could possibly be the case since Liam was so hurt after I cheated on him,"

"So what? Maybe that was his way of coping with the pain," I looked back up to the sun which was almost completely gone.

"So I started talking to the girls on the cheer team to figure out who did it and it was Lydia. She said she came on to Liam and he pushed her away. He didn't kiss her back for even a second,"

Deal: Fake Dating The BadboyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora