Chapter twenty three

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Chapter twenty three
I groaned as Athena attempted to push me out of the hotel room. "Come on, you two made up," she begged.

She was currently trying to get me to switch places with Sam, who was rooming with Liam. Athena wanted some alone time with Sam. Tara had offered for me to stay in her room but Athena wanted me in Liam's room. "No! The more time I spend with him the sooner he's going to realize I like him," I whined.

"You know I wouldn't be pushing you to do this if I didn't think it was good for you. You need to go deal with your emotions,"

I shook my head. "No! What if he finds out I like him and then never wants to see me again," wow I sound like a middle schooler.

"Then that would suck. But what if he likes you back?"

I had desperately tried not to think about that option. I didn't want to get my hopes up. But what if he does? Part of me really wanted to know if he felt the same. The other part of me was scared out of her mind of being rejected. Unfortunately that side was winning the argument. There was no way I was letting Liam break my heart, even if it meant breaking my own. "He doesn't. The other girl, remember," I was more so telling myself than Athena.

"Please?" She pleaded.

I gave her an innocent smile, "I'll go to Tara's rooms,"

Athena's face dropped, "You're going to have to face him eventually. You literally spent the hours long bus ride cuddling with him,"

My cheeks reddened. "He was warm," I mumbled.

"That's not the point!" She threw her hands up, "Sapphire he likes you. He has to. No guy is going to cuddle with a girl that he doesn't like, especially not for that long,"

I stared at the ground, "He was just being a nice guy, like he always is,"

Athena shook her head, "You are very oblivious,"

"He friend zoned me," I informed her for the millionth time.

Athena pinched the bridge of her nose, "Or maybe he was just covering up,"

I shook my head, "Definitely not, I'm a hundred percent sure on that one," that was the only thing I was sure of anymore.

"Please," Athena managed to push me all the way out and shut the door behind us, "Come on. You've got this,"

I whispered as we got closer to Liam's room. Sam swung the door open. He turned to Athena, "Oh great, you actually got her here,"

I squinted at the two of them, "How much does he know?" I questioned Athena.

"Don't worry I didn't tell him anything. Sapphire most of it's pretty obvious,"

She shoved me into the room before I got a chance to say anything. The door slammed behind me. To my surprise the room was empty. Better for me I guess. I flopped down on one of the random beds, begging that it was Sams. I felt like if I stole Liam's it would just be awkward. I brought my legs up and crossed them on the bed. Athena didn't even give me time to grab shoes so I was currently running around in bunny slippers, how flattering.

The bathroom door swung open, interrupting my thoughts. Liam exited the bathroom in all his shining glory and by that I mean in only a cobalt blue towel that matched his eyes. My cheeks reddened as I attempted not to watch the water drip down his chest. "Sorry, I forgot to grab clothes," Liam quickly rushed over to his bag.

Meanwhile, I was trying not to hyperventilate. "It's fine," I squeaked.

Liam smirked, "Am I making you blush, Fire,"
I rolled my eyes, "No," it wasn't a very believable answer since I looked like a tomato.

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