Chapter 11

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Sapphire's POV
Athena wouldn't look at me all day. Liam walked with me to most of my classes. I tried to get Athena's attention but she would never look over. I don't blame her. By now it was already last hour and I was ready to go home and lay in my bed, forever. I was at my desk staring out the window. The clouds were dark but there wasn't any rain. The forecast said it would rain later today. I wasn't even excited for that. 'Everything good happens in the rain,' I'm not so sure of that now.

Liam and I had our last hour together. He was sitting two rows in front of me a three seats to the left. Coincidentally, he was also staring out the window. Whatever Mr.Haley was saying went right over my head. I was too engulfed in my own thoughts. Mr.Haley spoke about the homework, which I had no intention of doing. Athena was in Pre-Calculus at the moment. I've tried to text her but she's made it very clear that she didn't want to see me. I glanced up at the clock. Only four more minutes left and then I could go home. Liam was giving me a ride home. He's been really nice to me lately. Tara on the other hand has been even more aggressive towards me than usual. She's been trying everything to get me in major trouble. Which means I should tell Liam about Bradley. If I didn't tell him soon then Tara was going to. She was going to twist the whole story around. I really need someone who doesn't hate me right now. I had to tell him but what if he hates me for it. I don't think I could handle it I already miss Athena so much. My thoughts were jumping from one thing to another, I couldn't focus on one thing. "Mrs. Kingston?"

The sounds of my name broke me away from my thoughts. "Uh, yes?" I had no idea what he had said.

"Would you like to tell us the answer?" I gulped.

What did he ask? The whole class was turned to face me and I could feel my heart beating in my chest rapidly. I didn't know what to answer. I instinctively looked over at Liam. He mouthed something to me but I couldn't quite make it out. He mouthed it again and I managed to make it out. "The Victorian era," my voice came out as more of a quiver than anything.

"Hmm, that is correct." Mr.Haley glared at me, "Now can anyone tell me what was so spectacular about this era?"

I let out a sigh of relief. I looked at Liam and mouthed 'thank you' to him. He smiled and turned back around. This class gives me too much anxiety. I was relived when the bell finally rang dismissing us. I grabbed my bag and walked over to where Liam was waiting for me at the door. "Hey," he smiled and casually put his arm around my shoulders.

This whole acting like a couple had gotten really easy. It was almost natural at this point. We talked while we headed towards our lockers. They were both in different sections of the hallway. "I'm gonna go get my stuff," he kissed me on the head and walked to his locker, I did the same.

Almost everybody was already outside so the hallways were pretty empty. I grabbed my stuff and headed to Liam's locker. Tara's voice rang though the hallway Liam was in. I stopped and listened. I knew it was wrong to easdrop but I couldn't help myself. "Come on Liam, you can't actually want to be with someone like her," Tara scowled.

"Look you cheated on me," Liam spoke calmly.

"So you're choosing her over me? You know we were meant to be together, we're a perfect match. What do you even know about that loser? She's a nobody,"

"She's not a loser or a nobody! She the sweetest girl I've ever met and she a better person than you will ever be."

"Ugh!" Tara slammed her foot down practically screaming, "Has she even told you about Bradley?"

My eyes widened. No. "Who?" You could tell in his voice he seemed annoyed.

"Bradley, her ex-boyfriend. You think I'm horrible wait till you hear about that! You won't think she's so great by then,"

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