Chapter 20

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Chapter Twenty
Sapphires POV
Tara, Athena and I had been sitting on the lawn deciding what to do about Bradley. Neither Tara nor I wanted him back. What he did was horrible. We had decided that it was time to put an end to all of this once and for all.

We waited on the lawn until the next period had finished. "Is Liam doing better now?" Tara questioned me.

Athena gave me a warning look as if to tell me to be careful, "Oh no! I don't want him back. It's just I know I treated him badly and made him do a lot of things he didn't want to do. I just want to make sure he's okay," Tara added.

I smiled sadly. Why wasn't Liam here? I tried to shake the thoughts but my mind kept drifting over to when we were in the car last night. He promised he wouldn't let Bradley near me. He broke his promise. "Yeah he's doing better, or at least that what his siblings say,"

She smiled, "I remember his siblings. I never really met them but I knew they never liked me," she sighed, "And I made Liam stay away from them because of that," she looked up at me, "I'm really glad you two found each other. You both have a heart of gold,"

I resisted the urge to cry. I don't know why I was so upset. Where was Liam? Why was I so upset about it? I don't need him and I'll be fine without him. I'm still mad that he played with my feelings.

Or maybe I'm just over reacting, maybe he got sick or had to go to the doctor. But why wouldn't he text me then? I shook my head and tried to clear my thoughts.

I lifted my head to see none other than Bradley heading straight for us. I straightened my posture, as did Tara and Athena. "Ready gals?" Athena questioned.

We nodded. As ready as I'll ever be. Bradley was practically running towards us by now. I could feel my breathing getting faster the closer he got. My heart was beating out of my chest. I shook my head. I can't do this.

Before I could even comprehend what was happening my legs were carrying me in the other direction. I ran as fast as I could, never even taking a second to look back. I can't do this. I can't do this. I repeated it over and over in my head. I sprinted as far as I possible could until I found myself on the football field, of course. Of all the places I had to pick I picked the football field.

I made my way under the bleachers. My arms were crossed over my waist as I clutched it tightly. I can't do this. "Sapphire?" Tara's voice was soft.

Tara and Athena approached me. They took a seat in front of me sitting cross cross. I brought my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. "I can't do this?" I repeated what had been saying in my head out loud.

Athena took hold of my hand, "Does this have anything to do with Liam?"

I avoided her gaze. Tara gave us a questioning look, "What happened with Liam?"

I shook my head, "Nothing it's fine," but tears were already welling in my eyes.

It wasn't hard to tell he was ignoring me. He had read my message, he just didn't answer. He was ignoring me. I ruined things again, "It's not fine if you're upset about it," Tara informed me.

"I swear I'm going to kill him," I had never heard Athena so violent.

Tara took hold of my other hand, "What happened?"

"He's ignoring me. I had a meltdown in the store with him when I saw Bradley for the first time and now Liam's ignoring me,"

Tara looked puzzled, "That doesn't seem like Liam. Believe me I've done far worse and he never ignored me,"

"Great so it's just me," I bitterly laughed.

Athena shot Tara a dirty look, Tara continued, "I've never seen Liam look at me the way he looks at you. He really cares for you and it's obvious. Even when you two were doing that science project all he talked about was how amazing his lab partner was. He's always cared about you,"
If only she knew. I looked up at Athena, "I can't believe I'm saying this but, you should tell her the truth. She dated Liam for a while, maybe she knows what's going on?"

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