Shopping (Part one)

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• This chapter is from a request by one of my readers! I hope they enjoy! •

Ryan was bored. Dreadfully and absolutely bored. He hated following Brendon around in the supermarket, watching him pick out stupid things like cereal and bread. He wanted to go home and sleep, for hell's sake. Taking a deep breath, he huffed loudly and reached for the others hand to try and pull him towards check out, Brendon pulling his hand away and petting Ryan's hair down, "I've still got things I've got to get, baby, stop. Don't be a brat."

The older huffed indignantly, shuffling his feet back and forth and ducking away from the other's hand, "But I'm bored. And I'm not being a brat." Eyes scanning the isles, he found some box of candy and reached to put it in the cart. Brendon took it from him and used it to smack the back of Ryan's hand, who whined and slumped against the cart, "What else do we have to geeeet? I hate it here. You've already got a lot of stuff-"

Brendon shook his head and nudged him off of the cart to continue walking, brows knitting together as he began reading off the list, "Milk, the cereal you made me forget, paper towels- will you stop that-"

Ryan had stopped in the isle, currently turning in circles on his heel and jumping when a hand slapped his ass, Brendon staring at him with steely, dark eyes, "Behave your damned self. If I hear one more peep, we'll stay here until the Earth explodes."

As soon as Brendon turned back around, Ryan began silently mocking him, but did as he was told and stayed close to the other, no matter how indignantly it was. Instinctively, he reached to hold the others shirt, lifting his free hand to tuck his pinkie into his own cheek and suck on it quietly.

It wasn't long after that Ryan had realized his lower stomach ached almost, hips shifting as he pressed his thighs together and followed after his caregiver. He wanted to ask him to go to the bathroom, but decided not to in lieu of the threat earlier posed, so he kept his mouth shut and instead hoped that Brendon would finish shopping soon.

Normally, he'd have one of his diapers on, but today they both had decided that he didn't need one, and they'd try going a day without it. Ryan regretted it now, with his small bladder and impatience streak a mile wide, only made worse by the skinny jeans cutting into his skin.

Every time they stopped, he bounced and reached to hold himself, unaware of the moments that Brendon cut his gaze to watch him, a grin on his face that he masked with a soft hum.

It was agonizing, to say the least, hands shaking and thighs pressed together so tight that at some point he could barely walk. It was only when thin streams raced down his legs for a short second or two that Brendon looked over, lifting his brows, "What's wrong?"

Ryan searched for words, cheeks becoming red-hot as he managed them out, "I gotta pee, Daddy-" He attempted to stand straight, but it only resulted in another loss of control, of which this time didn't stop for several seconds, leaving a large, dark stain on the front of the taller brunette's pants.

Nodding at him, Brendon stepped over and knelt down on the floor, skimming his fingers beneath Ryan's shirt and up to his chest, rubbing his thumbs over the already-perked nipples, feeling for his heartbeat. It was going about a mile a minute, and Ryan began to breathe heavier, a tear dripping down his cheek as he struggled to fight back letting go completely. "I gotta go, Daddy- please-"

Brendon looked up to him, kissing over the raised bump below his stomach, prodding his fingers over it carefully, "Of course. Go ahead." He trailed the same affectionate pecks over the buttons of his jeans and down along the  zipper, hand moving to stroke Ryan through his jeans. Ryan moaned lowly, trying to pull away so that he could scurry off to the restroom, but he was held firmly in place by a hand at his thigh, and so he remained where he was; unable to refrain from squirming and bouncing in place.

Brendon pressed on his bladder harder this time, causing Ryan to yelp. His jeans darkened once more, but this time he was unable to stop it, a pool forming at his feet as he wet himself helplessly, only able to feel himself growing more aroused as the moments passed. The younger boy tsked his teeth and slipped a hand to run along the inside of Ryan's thigh, causing him the shudder and nearly double over against Brendon.

"You've made a mess, baby..." Brendon whispered, nipping against his stomach once more and beginning to stand, "Guess I'll have to get you changed when we get home." Smiling a bit at Ryan, he was met with a dismayed look. The older boy wandered after him, whimpering as his stiffened length rubbed against the fabric of his jeans. "But-" he whispered, looking down at himself and swallowing back more tears. People were looking at him, and he flashed hot with embarrassment, moving his hands to cover the front of his jeans and hide himself away, burying as close as he could to Brendon's side.

Hello! I assure you, this part will be followed with a part two, I just like to keep the "SFW" stuff separated from the NSFW as much as I can. I will begin working on part two as soon as I can! Again, feedback is welcomed and encouraged! Thank you everybody so much, and I hope you have a beautiful Sunday 💚

Ryan Ross x Brendon Urie (OMORASHI)Where stories live. Discover now