Kiss and Tell

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****Georgia's POV****

After speaking to Lucie and getting the all clear from her I made my way into the kitchen to get a drink. I was on my own until Joe popped up out of nowhere.

"Hi. Are you alright?"

"Could be better, could be worse." He answered. "Lucie and I just had a chat and I think we're both just going to get to know other people but stay as a couple."

"It's hard because I think both of you really liked each other from the start of this but you haven't seen what else it out there. But I mean if you get through this then I think you can get through anything."

"Yeah. Obviously I think you're attractive, I'm not going to lie."


I didn't really know what to say at that point. Lucie was fine with me talking to Tommy but it's completely different talking to Joe. I think that would be crossing the girl code line.

"I think you're a nice guy too and we could get to know each other but it's just you and Lucie. I think you two need to figure out what's going on before bringing anyone else into this."

"I've had a chat with Amber and I'm getting to know her."

"Yeah but I think every girl has different ideas about what's right and what's wrong. To me I would never go for someone who's involved with one of my friends and I've seen how happy they are."

"I guess." He looked kind of down.

"Look Joe I honestly believe you will be fine in this whole situation. I've spoken to Lucie and she just needs to get her head sorted."

"Hey guys." I heard and found Tommy. "Please could I borrow Georgia?"

"See you later." I said to Joe and we made our way over to the swing. I placed the cushion in my lap and turned to face him. "Is everything alright?"

"I just wanted to have a chat to you again. You seemed quite closed off before."

"Yeah I wanted to speak to Lucie before we flirted anymore. I don't want to step on anyone's toes."

"Why would you be stepping on her toes? We're not a couple."

"No but she could have feelings for you and I don't want to get in the way of that. It's just what I would expect a friend to do for me."

"You're such a good person." He wrapped his arm around me and we led down. "Tell me more about yourself. Why did you come on the show?"

"Well I've just finished my first year of a degree and I just wanted to have the summer of my life before I started full time work."

"How old are you?"

"I'm 19."

"Oh wow so you like a older guy then." He teased.

"Shut up you're only a year older than me."

"Do you go out a lot then?"

"I guess I did when I was at university and I have quite a big following on instagram so I get invited to make appearances at some events." I told him. "It's not really my scene though. I'd much prefer a night in watching movies with a Chinese."

"Have you ever watched boxing?"

"I can't say I have. I have heard of your brother though."

"Maybe I'll get the chance to take you to a fight, honestly the atmosphere is so incredible"

"I've heard."

"Anyway I think everyone's going up so we should probably make our way in." He wrapped a blanket around my shoulders and guided me inside. It's just the little things like this that get to me, it just shows he cares."

Love Island 2019 🌴Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang