A dumping

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****Georgia's POV****

Later on all of the couples had kind of separated so I was with Tommy near the fire pit having a cuddle.

"Are you alright?" I asked him. "You seem a bit quiet."

"I hope so you don't think I was told forward in that date because I completely did not mean to be. I don't want to put more pressure on you."

"No don't worry I knew it was just a dare and I'd expect the same from everyone. We were just fulfilling a dare at the end of the day."

"Thank you. You know you're amazing. I literally wake up everyday and I feel so blessed because I don't know what I've done to deserve you."

"Don't think like that. Listen you're an amazing guy and I never thought I'd come in here and have a connection like I do with you. You worship the ground that I walk on and you're always checking I'm ok. I couldn't ask for more."

"I just want you to be happy and I know it's the little things that work for you."

"Well many guys wouldn't pick up on that so thank you."

"Just doing my job being coupled up with you. But honestly if you went I would have to leave with you because I couldn't stay here without you."

"You know I wouldn't expect you to right. If you think you could find a better connection with someone else then fine."

"But I couldn't."

"Good." I told him and brought him in for a kiss. "You know every time I've looked over Amy has been giving you and me dirties."

"Don't worry about it. Her opinion is irrelevant to our relationship."

"I know but we're meant to be friends. Why is she looking at me like I've done something wrong?"

"I'm sure one of the girls will tell you later on. I'm sure it's nothing though, she's probably just got a resting bitch face."

"I hope."


I made my way up to get changed that night after drama had attested between Maura and Elma. Apparently Maura's fuming about girl code, but that must be a new concept to her as she had none with me and Tommy.

"Can I speak to you on the balcony?" Amber asked.

"Of course. Is everything alright?" I asked as we sat down. "I was speaking Amy before and she kind of started ranting about how you and Tommy spend so much time together. She was like comparing you to Lucie."

"That's rubbish. I spend so much time with you girls. I just got Tommy back though so obviously I'm going to want to be around him more and enjoy my time with him."

"I tried telling her that but I don't think she was too happy."

"You know what I'm going to sleep on it tonight and then just confront her in the morning. I don't want to give into her."

"Probably for the best. I just didn't like the way she was digging into you and I thought you should know."

"Thank you for telling me."

"I would want to know. It's no problem."

We moved back into the dressing room and Amy was there so I just went straight through. Tommy was already in bed once again.

"Come under the covers." I told him and moved under. "So I was just speaking to Amber and she told me Amy's been slagging me off."

"What about?"

"That I've been spending too much time with you and I'm basically turning into Lucie."

"You know what she's gone for my friend in Lucie and now she's gone for you. I think I probably need to have a word with her and Curtis."

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