Casa Amor

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****Georgia's POV****

I think the dumping shocked us all tonight and the villa had kind of stilled for a moment. I was sat with the girls on the daybed, I almost lost one of them tonight I'm not going to let my emotions take away these moments from us.

"How are you feeling then?" Molly asked Maura.

"Erm well I was never going to give him a second chance. So romantically I'm not sad to see him go but I was gutted from him."

"That's understandable. I think the problem we had was who made the biggest impact on the villa but I did feel sorry for him because really he hasn't been in here long."

"No and I obviously wasn't the one for him so he needed more time to get to know people." Maura said. "But I understand what you girls did. I think you chose the right person. I don't really think Danny agrees with the boys."

"No but he only thinks that because he thought she was the best thing on the planet." Molly said. "I think they were still in that really love up faze so to have her go must be daunting for him."


Lucie left after a while and I saw her go and speak to Anton before she went and pulled Tommy over to the snug area.

"I think we can all see them two going for a chat." Amber said. "Georgia I'm going to tell you something now because you're my friend and I don't want to see you hurt."


"Lucie has said never say never about a relationship between her and Tommy."


"Lucie said about that tweet in the challenge when asked how she felt that she didn't answer. Maura then asked would you never say never about something happening between them two and she said exactly."

"That is so disrespectful. I'm actually livid right now, she pretends to be my friend and then she does this behind my back."

"I'm not even looking over because I feel like I might cry."

"No don't." Maura said and pulled me into her side. "You don't know how Tommy's reacted yet. She's making a fool out of herself."

Tommy and Lucie separated after a couple of minutes and without even looking at me he went inside to Curtis. Anton followed on after a chat with Lucie.


"I can't do it anymore." I stood up and made sure my dress looked good. "I need to find out what happened."

"Don't talk to Lucie on your way past." Amber said. "Don't let her get in your head before you find out what's jut happened."

I made my way through the bedrooms and upstairs before opening he balcony door.

"Is everything alright?" I asked and they all just looked startled.

"Nothing we were just having a chat." Curtis said.

"Can I come and grab you in like five minutes?"

"I'd really like to have a chat with you now."

"I'll see you later." Curtis and Anton said before moving out, Curtis turned around to tell him something but I could hear what it was.

"Are you sure everything's alright?"

"Yeah just go and have a chat with him."

I sat down next to him on the balcony and he just looked so guilty.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing Why?"

"Well we need to have a chat because I've just heard things about Lucie that I'm absolutely livid at. I can feel my blood boiling, she's said never say never about a relationship between you two."

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