Girls in Danger

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****Georgia's POV****

"Are you alright?" Maura questioned with that smug look on her face. "Just I was having a great time chatting to Tommy and you kind of interrupted it."

"Look I don't want to argue but just know that things are going to be different from now because I'm not giving up on this. You might think you're everything but I have something about me too and I do really like that guy."

"I don't see you as completion in all honesty. If he wanted you he wouldn't have been so attracted to me."

"Then it's my problem to make sure he knows it's me he wants." I looked around and found him watching with Lucie. "Hope you had a good night last night babe, just I heard you two had a little kiss."

"Like you had a better night, he only slept in the same bed as you as the sofa was uncomfortable."

"Can you keep a secret?" I whispered. "Not only was my sleep amazing but the kiss we shared was as well."

I'm going to be honest I have really struggled in here with confidence, I really don't know where that came from. I'm not usually a bitter person but it was just all the emotion coming from me.

I then stood up and walked off to where they were sat on the sofa bed.

"What went on there?" Lucie asked.

"I just had something to say to her. Let's just say she chose the wrong person to compete with."

"Where's this come from?" Tommy asked and pulled me down to lie with him.

"Just a little pep talk from Amber, I like you and I'm not just going to back down anymore and watch you two crack on together."

"I like this version." He wrapped his arms around me. "What else did you say?"

"I may have been a bit gloat full about you getting into bed with me last night and mentioned the kiss she wanted. She didn't think I was competition though."

"Just have to wait and see won't we. I don't think it will be long before we have to recouple again."

"Better make the right decision then hun. No second chances."


I was on the daybed later with Lucie and Danny when Maura got a text.

"Girls its time to pop on your wedding dresses and say I do in today's challenge. #bridezillas."

We all got changed into our bridesmaids dresses and made our way to the challenge area. The first round was the girls had to pull their boys across a platform and then kiss them at the end, putting a ring on their finger. I was not in the first round but Maura had chosen him to be her partner.

"Come on girls." I shouted as Molly was really struggling with Anton.

Maura and Tommy got there third, behind Yewande and Lucie with their partners. But what really shocked me was her pulling Tommy into a kiss, they both just went on for ages, I thought I was going to have to look away.

"I mean can they not." I whispered to Amber.

"She doesn't care babe."

I was up in the next round and had was up against Elma and Anton, Amy and Curtis and Amber and Michael.

"Babe tense your stomach and go." Tommy told me and I was actually surprised at how fast I was. We made it through in second place after Amber and Michael. "Come here then."

We shared a little kiss but I wasn't comfortable kissing for longer with everyone watching. The next round we all had to take part in a good fight, which was so much fun.

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