Chapter 23

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Sabrina took a deep breath and began to tell her story, "About ten years ago, my family and I were living in Europe. It was when the current Alpha King of Europe had come to power. Someone betrayed our location and the fact we were witches. It had been our neighbors who had seen Glinda's accidental magic when she didn't have it under control yet. My mother, father, younger sister, younger brother and I were brought in front of the Alpha King of Europe."

I supplied the name, "His name is Eric."

She nodded her thanks, "Our family were natural scent hiders which meant we smelled of nothing. They tortured us, for weeks at a time. My younger brother, Alex, was only six at the time. I was helpless and could only watch. They beat him to death slowly but surly. He had barely even touched his magic yet. The killing blow came when Eric himself visited us. To convince our parents to give up their magic, he beat my brother. Except he misjudged how much force he had and Alex' previous injuries had effected him, Eric killed my youngest brother when my family was forced to watch."

I start to stand up, "I'm gonna kill him. Where is the bastard?"

Sabrina put her hand on my arm, "Let me finish. After Eric finished killing Alex, he turned to Glinda. He nearly killed her as well in his anger. I saved her, I covered her body with mine and took the blows. I had already come into my magic fully and could heal faster. The torture continued for weeks more, starving us to death. . . After being abused like this for who knows how long, Eric decreed that we would die the most painful death. They would beat us to death with whips."

I clench my fists and try to suppress the urge within me which is yelling, KILL KILL! I want to comply, but I know Sabrina wants, no needs to tell her story. It has been weighing on her heart for far too long.

She continued, "They started with me. Eric personally took the whip and delivered forty lashes to my back. Lesser men and wolves had died of such wounds. He then switched to Glinda who had always been more fragile. My parents distracted him from her and he beat them instead. He continued and got his men to join without stopping while I continued to watch on. But what Eric forgot to consider was that a witch's and parent's dying wish and power. When my mother died, she gave her power to my father. Their last dying wish and power teleported my sister and I out of there. We were saved and they were not."

I gave her a hug, "It's alright, it will be alright."

She starts to cry a little, "It won't be. On my back, I have the memory carved in. I will never be rid of those scars. I will be reminded that my mate tried to kill me and hated me. That HE killed my brother, and my parents. You don't understand that kind of pain."

I try to rub her back soothingly, "I blamed my mate for killing my people, my uncles Josh and Chris. He gave away their location to your mate who carried out their murder. I don't know if we can look past, but I am willing to try. I know for you it isn't the same. I understand that. You make your decision and no matter what I will stand by you."

Sabrina stopped crying, "Thanks, Emma."

I give her a weak smile, "Whatever you need whenever you need it."

She stands up, "I am going to go check on our people."

I grab her arm, "Will you be coming with me to the castle with me? I am not going back to my people."

Sabrina shakes her head, "I can't come with you now. I might in a week or two."

I shrug, "However much time you need. Could you tell Leo and Glinda that my mate wishes for them to come home under the condition that no harm will come to them? Also can you tell Laurine that she is in charge until my return and my decision."

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