Chapter 29

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This is definitely the last chapter before the epilogue.

I also started a Harry Potter fanfic if anyone wants to read that hot mess.



It had taken a week for Alec to let me out of our bedroom.

It was a well known fact that Alpha males are extremely possessive of their females just after mating. That was triply true for Alec. He was more dominant as Alpha King and I did spend a long time avoiding him. His wolf wants to be sure that I am his and he is mine. I surely don't regret it.

Even when Alec let me out after a week, he didn't leave my side and more often than not we ended up back in bed. Not that I particularly mind, but I don't like being cooped up. It took him two weeks after the end of the official month before I could even mention heading back to the Smith Organization to clear things up. The problem was that Alec and his wolf associates the Smith Organization with me leaving. Therefore he doesn't want me to go back and change my mind, not that I would.

That's how three weeks later after the beginning of our mating I managed to get myself over to the HQ of the Smith Organization. Everyone knew that I was stepping down because I was now mated. I appreciated that everyone understood. I had been afraid that they wouldn't, but it appears that my fear was unfounded.

During our time in the bedroom also, the Alpha King of Europe finally left. he couldn't stand see Alec and I happy when Sabrina couldn't even be near him. In fact, I sent her over to Australia about three weeks ago to make sure that her mate would be thrown off. I sense a very long cat and mouse game that was going to happen between those two. After all, Eric is much more thick-headed than Alec and won't learn his lesson at first.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't see the front door of HQ open and Laurine come running out, "EMMA!" That was the only warning I got before she threw herself at me for a hug. Sometimes, she didn't seem like that mature of an adult.

"Hey, Laurine."

She smiled and released me from her bone-crushing hug, "What's up?"

I smiled back at her, "I just need to tie up some loose ends here before I run off into the sunset with my mate."

Laurine laughed, "Whatever you need, I'm happy for you. When you were child, everyone was worried that you were too serious. I would have believed that if I hadn't seen you with your brothers, but on a mission, you guys were scary."

I follow her into the building, "I get it."

I get various greetings from the people here. They all know that I am now mated to the Alpha King of North and South America and they get it. I have every intention to help more rogues as Alpha Queen. If anyone expects me to be a meek queen who listens to her mate, they are about to get a rough awakening.

In no time at all, I'm sitting in what used to be my office and Laurine is standing, "Sorry for taking your spot."

She waves it off, "Since this is basically the last time you will be so casual with us, it's fine and technically it's still your chair."

I shake my head, "I made my choice. I can now do more good on the legal side of things."

Laurine brings us back to task, "Let's finish this up."

I spin on my chair, "Yes. So, I am giving you control of the Smith Organization with your mate, Stefan. I know you two cannot have kids, so I already have a set of heirs for you. It's my younger sisters, Ashley and Laura. They're only just turned four years old. I finally got Mom to agree and my sisters want to. They would inherit it when they turn 18 or when you die."

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