Chapter 26

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I am currently in Michigan for my summer break at a cottage. It's awesome here but the internet connection sucks. So updates will be even more random and spread out than usual.


I love food.

Who doesn't? Food at the castle was the best. The cook, Charlie, was awesome. His desserts are definitely out of this world. The variety is incredible too. Some days it's fancy, some it's simple from all around the world. Charlie has many talents.

Mom interrupted by food thoughts, "How have things been going with your mate?"

I smile, "After we fought, Alec gave up in order to be with me. That convinced me to give him a chance. I've only spent a week here, but things are looking up. I have three more weeks before I have to make a decision."

She chuckles, "When you were little, you were so dominant. You tried enforcing your will on other rogues. I thought you were destined to lead the Organization, but you were destined to be an Alpha Queen. On that note, I still don't know your mate's name."

I laugh and Alec answers, "My name is Alec."

I ask, "Aren't people not supposed to know your name and be forced to address the Alpha King by his title?"

Alec shrugged, "But they're your family, so it doesn't matter."

When we enter, Laura yells, "FOOD!"

I nod, "I agree, food!"

Ashley, Laura, Liam and Lucas run over to the table. What's funny in our family is that Liam and Lucas are technically the nephews of Ashley and Laura. But they are around the same age. Our family tree is slightly weird. 

We all sit down and I start off the conversation, "How is Laurine?"

Dad Asher tells me, "They're fine. Laurine was very upset at the fact you tried to sacrifice yourself."

Alec growled and I put my hand on his arm, "Yeah, not my best moment."

Mom asked, "How are Jack and Jason?"

I frown, "You know them?"

Jackson pipes up, "We met the twins when you came back from being a maid and kicked us out of your office."

"Oh," I said. "Jack and Jason found their mate in Alec's Beta, Axel. They are having some issues adjusting, so technically they are here as bodyguards and not for their mate."

Alec adds, "I talked to Axel and it's just very difficult for him. The man swore up and down he was straight. When he discovered he had two mates and they were both male, he accidentally opened a mind-link between us. It was quite funny to see his reaction. It was something along the lines of: 'I am not gay! Stupid mates with their stupidly handsome hair and their stupid abs . . . I'm so gay!'."

I chuckle, "I hope they figure out whatever is bothering them and soon."

He turned to me, "On the topic of you being a maid, how did you manage that?"

I smirk, "Rogues like me are smarter than packs gives them credit for."

Ethan rolls his eyes, "Our witches gave her something to hide her scent and rearrange her face, taking someone else's features."

I glare at him, "No need to give away my secrets."

Auriel pointed out, "You should tell Alec how you got them out, so he can fix the problem."

I shrug, "Fine!"

Alec looks surprised, "So start at the beginning."

I take a bite of food, "So, to get in, there was an open maid position. Due to your god-awful behavior when I ran away, it was free and they were desperate for someone. I had my people set me up with a fake identity. Your employees didn't look too deeply. I had a probation period before they would take me seriously."

The Smith OrganizationOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant