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Adeline was tapping her foot on the floor as the elevator took her up. She anxiously looked at the numbers, showing she was close to her floor. Once the number 5 glowed, she heard that familiar ding, and the elevator doors opened. She took a deep breath, and stepped out.
Immediately she was attacked with flashing lights, reporters asking her questions, and they all crowded around her making it impossible to move.

"Dr.Fox, is it true you physically assaulted Serena Blake?"

"Dr.Fox! Is it true Theo Straton left you for another woman?"

"Did you purposely hurt Serena so you can hurt the baby?"

Adeline rolled her eyes at the questions she heard. Shockingly a reporter grabbed her arm and spun her around. She hissed in pain at the reporter's iron grip.

"Dr.Fox! Did you know Mr.Straton was cheating on you? How did it feel to be left behind?"

Adeline balled up her hands, and just before she lashed out an arm draped itself on her shoulder. She looked to her right and saw that it was Zander.

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen for your questions. But we really need to get going." He interrupted the reporters, as he pulled Adeline out of the crowd.

Now they were all shouting at him with questions

"Dr.Knight! Are you and Dr.Fox in a relationship!"

"Dr.Knight! Why do you stand with. Dr.Fox even though you never committed the action?"

"Dr.Knight! Are you and Dr.Fox secretly seeing each other?"

Zander then turned swiftly and replied,

"Dr.Fox and I are in love." He announced with a playful tune, causing Adeline to laugh.

"After today's court hearing we're heading off to the Bahamas so we can swim at pigs beach and get sunburn." He finished off with an eye-roll and walked away, Adeline following right behind trying not to laugh even more.

"So how long have we been dating?" Adeline asked, her 'new boyfriend'.

"For years, Love. Today is even our 2 year anniversary." Zander replied, playing along.

"Oh! Well then, Happy Anniversary."

"You too, Love."

The 2 laughed about their silliness and stopped when they saw Theo standing in front of the Court room. It was obvious he was listening to their conversation.

He forced a smile on his face, and cleared his throat.

"I hope you 2 are happy. And wish nothing but the best." And then he walked into the courtroom.

"Talk about bad timing." Zander muttered.

She then soon noticed that Zander's arm was still around her.

"Alright boy wonder, you can drop your arm now." She laughed.

"Shouldn't we tell Theo that we aren't dating?" Zander asked her.

She scoffed at his question,

"Why should I? He's not my husband. Besides everyone knows I am exactly the opposite of who you like." She replied.

Zander rolled his eyes. Then when they both quieted down they just stared at the door. The door to their courtroom hearing.

"You nervous?" Zander asked.


"Are you?" She asked back.


Zander then gripped the door handle,


Adeline nodded her head and he opened the door.

The minute the 2 walked in the conversations slowly died off. Some stared the 2 down as they made their way to their seat, where their own team waiting.

It was only Zander today to testify with her. Emersyn tomorrow, and Dan would be next, if there was a 3rd day. Her lawyer then nudged her,

"Chin up Fox. Don't let them see you worried." One of her lawyers, Luca whispered.

"They want to try to scare you, but don't worry. We won't let that happen." Sarah,her other lawyer, added in.

She nodded her head and they took their seat. Couple of seconds later Serena and her team walked in. Her father a few steps behind them. His eyes landed on Adeline and he gave a look of disgust towards her. Serena obnoxiously called for Theo, as she threw her arms around him. Theo caught her, but by the look on his face  he wish he didn't.

Then, the doors opened and in walked an officer.

"All rise for the judge."

They all did so, and a woman around the age of 40 walked in. A smirk instantly formed on Adeline's face.

"Excuse me!" Serena called out.

"Yes ma'am?" The judge asked.

"Where's Judge Hathaway? I was told he was suppose to be our judge?" She asked, giving a hint of attitude. 

"He's having an off day." The judge answered.

"This is ridiculous! How dare you change things like this on us last minute! This is beyond unprofessional!" Mr. Blake, Serena's dad, called out.

Now it made sense on where Serena got her terrible attitude from.

"According to information we received from an anonymous party, there is proof that you and your family have a personal relationship with that judge and his party. So here I am. We wouldn't want an unfair court hearing? Right?" The judge asked, causing both Serena and her dad looking shocked at her statement.

Adeline turned to Serena, who had a look of worry. Realizing now that the playing field was now even.  When their eyes met,  Adeline winked to her and mouthed,

"Game on." 

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