Dragons and Jets

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Kay knew enough about working for the BAU to always have a bag packed and ready. Although, she didn't think they'd have an out-of-town case on the first day, she was ready just in case. "So do you guys have to buy plane tickets every time you need to fly out of town? That's a lot of cash," Kay asked as they drove to the airport.

"Nah baby girl we got our own private jet," Morgan smirked from the front seat. Hotch was driving, Kay, JJ, Rossi,and Reid sat in the back and Morgan had called shotgun faster than you could shoot one. Even in Texas. Kay won't be letting him pull that one over on her in the future especially since it meant that she could sit opposite Agent Hotchner.

"I private jet? Are you having an affair with the President? How else do you get your own jet?" They laughed and she saw the tips of Hotch's lips quirk up but they quickly fell.

He's got nice lips.

I need psychological help. Or some form of counseling because I think I'm stuck in my adolescents. Maybe I should stop watching AmazingPhil and Danisnotonfire on YouTube...haha that's not going to happen.

Anyway, all thoughts of boys aside. They arrived at the airport and Kay took one look at the jet and knew she was going to enjoy this job. Alot. Okay so let's weigh the pros and cons of this job.


1. Hot guy Agents

2. Private Jet

3. Saving Lives

4. Traveling to new places


1. Danger

2. Possible and very likely mental scarring.

3. Not a lot of free time

Not necessarily in that order.

Meh, the Pro's always tend to outweigh the con's. Especially when people's lives are at stake. They take what they do seriously and they save the land from whatever monsters and dragons that seek to do it harm. They're everyone's Knights in shining armor. I bet the old knights weren't exactly excited about having to explore dark caves for fire breathing dragons but they did it anyway. To save the damsels in distress and all that.

The team filed out of their SUV when Hotch pulled into the airport. Kay wished Garcia could come with them but she knew field work wasn't Garcia's cup of tea. But her and her old Academy BFF would have to go get a coffee together some time and catch up on everything that's happened since they've been apart. Well, almost everything. Kay isn't sure she's ready to explain why she really needed to transfer. Although she'd always aspired to be a Analyst for the BAU she never tried for the position because she didn't want to leave her mom. But it all became too much and she had to leave. She had to make the memories go away.

Especially after she found-

"Kay?" Kay shot her head up toward the voice. Hotch was looking at her worriedly with those big brown puppy dog eyes. "Yeah?"

"Are you alright?" She looked around and realized she had stopped walking and everyone else was on the plane. She blushed. "Yeah sorry I just got lost in thought," she apologized and followed him up to the plane. It looked cool on the outside but it was just plain awesome on the inside.

I wonder if they have a cappuccino machine?

Yeah, this jet was worth the dragons.

You Make Me Smile (Hotch Fanfic) *Completed* #Wattys2016Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat